Mar 18, 2012 02:03 AM
Product Implementation Rate:
On Sun, 3/18/12, neerad dwivedi wrote:
From: neerad dwivedi
Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108
To: "Supertech CRM Team", "Guneet Singh Sodhi"
Cc: "Eco Village -II",
Date: Sunday, March 18, 2012, 1:03 AM
Hi All, The group chairman Mr. RK Arora was the first ones to respond in all national newspapers that they will try to relocate the Shahberi affected flats else they will refund. But even after submitting the refund request for almost 5 months, I have no answers The most scary part of my story is in-spite of paying hard earned money of Rs. 11 Lacs(50% cost of Flat) I did not have any papers, land, project clarity. I was simply receiving lip service from multiple people. I was told that they are looking at allocating a flat on 14th Floor in Eco village -1 but not on papers only in imagination. I realised that everyone is simply trying to fool us by words and we were getting frustrated day by day. This continued even after I submitted the refund request and I told everyone very clearly that I am not going to pull back my request without any papers. I was told that the refund would be done within 60 days of refund papers submission. I did not receive any reverts after 60 days so I went to supertech office in Feb and met Mr. Sodhi, he noted the details in his diary and committed that it will be done by 15th March. While I was trying to find about the commitment of refund Mr. Sodhi one again tried to bully me as if I am an illiterate labourer and he is my boss. He bluntly asked me to go and contact anyone I feel like, he will continue talking in the same fashion. As per their commitment, me and my husband had gone to supertech office today afternoon(17th March)and wanted to take appointment with Mr. Arora. Ms. Rinkle met us outside the chairman’s office and said that he is busy in a meeting. She noted down our details and said that she had a word with Mr. Mohit Arora(son of Mr. R K Arora) and we will receive a call within an hour which will clarify that by when we will get our money back. We did not receive any call and after calling up, we were told that they are still in meeting and they will surely call. But no call received. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi
- On Sat, 2/18/12, neerad dwivedi wrote:
From: neerad dwivedi
Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108
To: "Supertech CRM Team", "Guneet Singh Sodhi"
Cc: "Eco Village -II", rkarora@supertechlilited.com,
Hi Guneet, We thank you for taking out time today to disuss on the refund of our money for the flat(details as mentioned in the subject line) the documentation of the same has been submitted as per the trail mail below. As per your commitment the refund amount will be handed over to us by mid of next month i.e. by 15th of March'12 hnce accordingly we are planning our exigencies. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi Mob-9818227875/09968704222
- On Mon, 12/19/11, Supertech CRM Team wrote:
From: Supertech CRM Team
Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108
To: "neerad dwivedi"
Cc: "Eco Village -II", rkarora@supertechlilited.com,
Date: Monday, December 19, 2011, 11:33 AM
Dear Sir,
Please be informed that your request for refund has been forwarded to our senior management & it is already under consideration; will inform you shortly for the status of your case.
Please bear with us.
Team CRM
On Sat, Dec 17, 2011 at 5:48 PM, neerad dwivedi wrote:
Dear All, Please expedite my case on priority and organize the refund as per your commitments within 90 days-please refer the mail trail. thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi 9818227875
- On Fri, 12/9/11, Eco Village -II * wrote:
From: Eco Village -II
Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108
To: "neerad dwivedi"
Cc: "Supertech CRM Team" ,
Date: Friday, December 9, 2011, 4:39 PM
Dear Sir, We have recived your request. Please be informed that there are no pending issues whatsoever in Eco Village-2 apart from shabheri affected . Moreover the matter of home loan for Eco village projects is under special consideration and financing should be available before long.
As of now we are finalizing the re-allotment process for the affected units and we will inform you in coming weeks. So please bear with us, will reach you shortly with next course of actions.
Thanking you for your continued support!
Regards, Team CRM .
On Sun, Nov 20, 2011 at 6:22 AM, neerad dwivedi wrote:
Dear All, I am highly surprised by the recently recieved communication. I have been asked to forward the papers for processing of refund as I fall into effected Shahberi area and I did not like the option you have provided me. I am 100% clear that after spending 2-3 days in discussing with multiple officials in your organization, geeting the paper work done and submitting the papers as per the process described by your officials, I am counting the number of days by when I will get my payment. As explained multiple time in my communication thet I am in urgent need of money doe to some personal emergencies, Please help processing my payment asap and confirm.
thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi
- On Mon, 11/7/11, neerad dwivedi wrote:
From: neerad dwivedi
Subject: Re: URGENT HELP NEEDED- customtakeoutER CODE- 1025804 UNIT NO-R0190A51108
To: "Supertech CRM Team" , ecovillage2@supertechlimited.com
Cc: rkarora@supertechlilited.com, Date: Monday, November 7, 2011, 6:06 PM
Dear Team, This is with reference to you mail and subsequently our visit to your office for collection and submission of documents for refund due to non availability of my Flat in Eco village-2. I have submitted all the documents as per the list provided to me, and the same has been vetted and accepted by the person deputed from your organization for this activity on 5th Nov'11. Inspite of spending almost the whole day there, I did not receive a clear answer from any person on the date of refund and and% of interest on the Payments done by me. On the contrary Mr. Puneet who is managing the soft handling for the effected customtakeouters tried to bully me and was very- very dry. Your organization is ranked one of the Largest in India and are a leader in North India in builders and developers community.
This is a very small issue for an organization of your reputation and stature. I am sure that your organization will create a precedent for other organizations and stand to its commitement on immediately process my request for the refund. I am dRajeev_Vermarately in need for this money to resolve some ongoing personal crisis. I request your urgent intervention and help in providing me the information on the date by when I can expect the whole payment and the rate of interest of payments. awaiting your reply, thanks and regards, Jyoti Dwivedi mob-9818227875/ 9968704222 - On Sat, 10/15/11, neerad dwivedi wrote:
Thank You! We appreciate your effort.
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