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MouthShut's Top 10 listicles and articles

Posted on Jul 15, 2019 12:14 PM under MouthShut Postings

Dear Member,

In all the years of being your one-stop-shop for reviews and ratings, we at are here with more. We’ve realized that nobody has enough free time. With work and life, there’s only so much that one can do. To make your search easier, we’re bringing to you, listicles and articles.

Based on your reviews, ratings, and MouthShut scores, we’re bringing to you various top 5 and top 10 listicles and articles across all categories. Latest trends and the best products and services in the market, based on your opinions and preferences, using MouthShut rankings and scores.

Want to know what’s the best budget phone out there? Check out our top 10 list. Having hair fall and need to know the best doctors to consult? Check out our top 10 list. We live to serve, and we want to make sure that when you spend your hard-earned money on something, it is the best product or service out there. Buy Smart. Always.

Here is the list of MouthShut's top 10 recommended listicles and articles.

-> Top 10 Budget Mobile Phones Under 12000 in India -

-> Top 10 hair transplant clinic in Mumbai -

-> Top 10 Malls in Mumbai -

-> Top 10 Monsoon Destination Near Mumbai -

-> Top 10 Online Shopping Sites in India -

-> Top 10 Banks in India -

-> Best 5000 mAh Battery Mobile Phones -

-> Best Mobile Phones Under 10000 -

-> Best Mobile Phones Under 20000 -

-> Best Camera Phones Under 15000 -

Your valuable views & comments on the same will be highly appreciated.

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World Toilet Day

Posted on Nov 19, 2018 02:22 PM under General

The study shows, more people in the world have phones than toilets, and guess what we need more?

Sanitation and health have been a long-running topic around the world. Many countries, including our own, face the grave issue of not having enough toilets for people to use. This creates concerns in so many levels.

Swachh Bharat Abhiyan was created and toilets were just one of the issues on their list.

Every day, thousands of children are affected because we have not created proper systems. The unhygienic environment not only affects the people living in and around that area but create conditions for new diseases to exist. It gives life to a vicious cycle that will become very difficult to break after a while. It already is affecting our world.

Poor hygiene leads to a lot of troubles – diseases, fatalities, and even the mere invasion of privacy that we as humans deserve. We have had brilliant movies such as “Toilet Ek Prem Katha” bringing the glaring realities to our homes. Today, the conversation is out in the open. There is an increase in awareness.

As citizens of this country, and the world, it is our responsibility to increase the awareness for clean toilets. Additionally, we need to encourage people to start using these toilets.

Change is always difficult, and is always met with resistance. The idea is to keep at it so we can create a clean and beautiful world.

This World Toilet Day, we must all strive to do what we can. Donate to the nearest NGO, educate your help, or just rally to construct new toilets in your area! Every little attempt counts. Every step counts!

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Should we really watch that movie?

Posted on Sep 25, 2018 05:31 PM under General

Should we really watch that movie? - Well, this question always comes in our mind every week for released movies.

We all love watching movies or series. Some like it more than others.

Every week the box office fills with new movies and we just can’t wait to watch them all! But is it worth spending all that money on tickets and popcorn?

Here’s a sure way to know whether or not that movie is worth it!

1.The cast! – A movie depends on two major factors – story line and cast.

We can guess the brilliance of the story by the writers, but the cast never disappoints. Actors like Rajkumar Rao always give hits, and even if the story is trashy, we know their acting won’t leave us disappointed.

2.Trailers and teasers – A trailer is like a brief of the movie.

A little peek into how good or bad it could be. Usually, a good trailer always means a good movie. And it’s a safe bet that you won’t be wasting your money on the first day first show.

3.Reviews! – The most important factor has got to be reviews!

A movie can have amazing direction, cinematography, songs and a whole lot of other things, but is it worth the watch, only

reviews will tell. And obviously, people’s reviews are more trusted!

When I want to watch a movie, I will always check its ratings and reviews first! No questions asked.

So, don’t waste your money on something you can watch later on Netflix or Amazon Prime. Watch the best. Don’t regret!

P.S. has amazing reviews for movies. Definitely trusted!

Check out the list of all upcoming movies here:

Comments: (7) Loved By: (3) Tags: moviesmovieReviewnewreleaseupcomingtrailernetflixamazonrating

Your Dream Home

Posted on Apr 19, 2018 05:53 PM under General

Home. A place, a sentiment, an emotion. We all love it. We all need it. And the perfect home makes everything else in life perfect.

So many of us spend a lifetime renting out our houses, and not being able to find the perfect house with the perfect price. It's a struggle to find what we know we deserve.

We at understand what it takes to look for a house. The amount of time and energy used cannot be compared with anything.

But wouldn't it be amazing if you could make your decision before you actually step out to see your new home? Simply click on our NEW Real Estate page, and find everything you could possibly need to look for your dream home. We have specific guides on how you can choose the perfect builder, and be able to choose the best loan for your home.

Our buying guides will help you understand the intricasies that go into a house hunt, and will prevent you from making the wrong choice.

Coupled with genuine user reviews, it is the perfect platform to cater to all your needs.

What are you waiting for? Click NOW

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Real Estate

Posted on Apr 18, 2018 05:24 PM under General

Real Estate

Your dream home. Imagine walking in the front door and having a room decorated exactly how you imagined. To be able to find the perfect home today is a challenge.

You have to know who's a good builder, and take so many factors into consideration before you give your OK. So many of us spend a lifetime looking for the perfect home at the perfect price.

We at understand your plight. And so we have started the Real Estate page for everyone looking to purchase a new home. You have access to all details relevant to when you have to hunt for your dream home. Amenities in and around the building, facilities available, important requirements in the locality, we provide you information about everything. This includes the price too!

Cherry on top are the genuine reviews from people who currently live there, or have stayed there previously. You can read reviews and make wise choices for you and your family.

So what are you waiting for? Click on and let the hunt begin!

Comments: (5) Loved By: (3) Tags: Realestate

New Contest Alert.

Posted on Feb 20, 2018 05:31 PM under General

March is around the corner, and the tax season is upon us. Mouthshut is ready to help you all! And we aim to make it fun, because work hard, party harder! is launching its next competition. Something to help everyone make the right choice during this transition.

Here’s what you have to do – all of us know banks. A lot of us know numbers. So many of us know the best practices to follow to save taxes. All you have to do is put it down in words and post reviews in our Personal Finance category. The rules are as follows:

1.Your review should be a reflection of your genuine experience.

2.Add a proof if possible to increase reliability.

3.You cannot use any offensive/abusive language.

4.The review should be framed properly with the good use of language.

5.It should be from the “Personal Finance” category only.

6.Don’t forget to use #HumaraBudget in your review.

7.Each week we will announce minimum 5 finalists, out of which we will choose 2 winners.

8.The finalists’ reviews will be featured on our social media platforms.

9.You must follow Mouthshut on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to be eligible for the competition.

10.The review should be of minimum 500 words.

11.Do not copy!

Winners will be given goodie bags with exciting Mouthshut merchandise.

So what are you waiting for? Log in and start writing reviews!

Click to share your experience now:

We have only a limited number of goodie bags, and a lot of knowledge to pass on!


MouthShut Team.

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Be a Financial Adviser. #HumaraBudget

Posted on Feb 06, 2018 11:47 AM under General

The tax season is upon us. It’s time to start collecting all the documents and start making sense out of them.

A lot of people are highly aware of how to file their taxes. They are aware of the dos and don’ts, and know when to show what to get the highest returns.

For a lot of people out there, taxes is a complicated subject. Its finance and finance usually screams scary. There are plenty of working professionals out there who seek the help of CAs to do the needful. The CAs, in exchange for a fee, help these people file their taxes.

A lot of students find themselves in a difficult position when taking up their first job and filing their first tax returns. We are taught a million subjects in school, but how to file tax returns is not one of them. Yes, it can be a scary subject, but that’s only an illusion.

Once you know the basics, the most is easy to figure out. Be it Mutual Funds, Charity, GST, or even Stocks; they’re all easy to understand.

So, for all our readers out there who want to learn the basics and not be fooled by anyone, we suggest you stick around. We at understand what people need, which is why, throughout the month of February and March, we will be putting up blogs and promoting finance related reviews for our readers.

We will get on board industry experts who can talk to you all about the intricacies of tax, and help you save your money! So stay tuned! And keep following us on Facebook(/mouthshut), Twitter(/MouthShut), and Instagram(/mouthshut_com) for constant updates.

Oh! And we’re even going to throw in a few competitions. Because there’s no fun if you can’t win some MS Points, is there?

Do share your financial experience here with & stand a chance to win MS Points.

Click to participate now:

Steps to be followed get rewards!

1.Login to

2.Share your genuine experience w.r.t Personal Finance category.

3.Only well-formatted reviews having more than 1000 characters will be eligible.

4.Also, add any Purchase proofs [Invoice, Bill etc] along with your reviews to increase the winning chances.

5.Share it on Facebook/Twitter to get eligible for competition.

6.Don’t forget to use #HumaraBudget in your review.

7.Best review will be selected as the winner for MS points.


MouthShut Team.

Comments: (13) Loved By: (5) Tags: #write-share-win#humarabudget

Share & Earn 100 MS Points.

Posted on Jan 15, 2018 05:14 PM under General

Time for a new competition to get an additional reward.

Now that everyone’s back from their holidays, we know you have a million stories to share. Among those stories are your reviews. The places you went, the food you ate, the quality of services provided, we know you have an opinion about it all.

If so, time to pen it down. Quickly head on over to travel category and write about your trip! The good, bad, ugly, we accept it all. Share your sweet memories with us & get 100 MS Points for your stories.

Starting tomorrow, one winner will be selected every day for this week. These winners will be rewarded with 100 MS Points each for their best story write-ups.

So write about your vacation & spread your stories with other fellow members!

Click to participate now:

Steps to get rewards

1.Login to

2.Share your genuine experience on Travel Category.

3.Review having more than 1000 character will be eligible.

4.Also, share images/video of your visited place to increase winning chances.

5.Share it on Facebook/Twitter to get eligible for competition.

6.Best review will be selected as the winner on each day.

7.Don’t forget to use #MouthShutTraveller in your review.


MouthShut Team.

Comments: (26) Loved By: (20) Tags: #write-share-win#mouthshuttraveller

Merry Christmas & a Very Happy New Year in advance!

Posted on Dec 22, 2017 06:35 PM under General

Dear Members,

Team MouthShut would like to wish you a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year in advance.

We would like to inform you that few of our MouthShut staff members will not be working between 23rd December 2017 and 1st January 2018. Due to this, the support & contest queries could take longer than usual. We request you to bear with us during this joyful holiday season.

We do assure you that during this time, our website, mobile app, and social media will be completely active and available to you.

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!

-Team MouthShut

Comments: (13) Loved By: (8) Tags: merrychristmasHappynewyear

Winners of MouthShut Presents Village Cricket League!!

Posted on Dec 18, 2017 05:02 PM under General

After two days of intense competition, we finally have a winner for MouthShut presents Village Cricket League.

After a series of matches between the teams, the Flying Falcons and Cobol Gladiators came out as the strong two contenders for the finals.

The whole MouthShut team was present at the Islam GymkhAnasultan, cheering and hooting as their favourite teams entered the grounds one by one. The players proved themselves time and time again. Some even mAnasultanged half centuries.

The finals match was intense. Both the strong teams were prepared to go head to head against each other. Each team had its strengths and weaknesses, but in the 12 over match, the Flying Falcons took the cup home! With excellent batting and fielding, they proved themselves against the Cobol Gladiators.

In the toss, the Cobol Gladiators won and chose to bowl first. The Flying Falcons took to the field and displayed their excellent talent, as one after another they hit boundaries. With a score of 143/3, the Flying Falcons had set the bar high for the Cobol Gladiators.

The Cobol Gladiators had to keep up a run rate of 12 runs per over if they wished to win against the Flying Falcons.

Although their batting was impeccable, they didn’t stand a chance against the tight and strong defence the Flying Falcons had set up. They saved boundaries and prevented runs, and in the end, the Flying Falcons picked up the trophy, winning by 46 runs!

cele_45brations continued after the match as the prize distribution took place. Players were honoured and medals were given to the deserving.

But the cherry on top was the gleaming Village Cricket League Trophy!

To know in detail how each match played out, follow us on Twitter and read all about it!

Twitter Handle: @MouthShut

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