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Jamie Wroe @jamiethelanky
Member Since: Aug 12, 2004
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Reviewed Ricky Ponting
Ponting - Genius or Tainted?
There may be many people who may not agree with some of the things I say, but I have some stark views on Ricky Ponting. Whilst the Australian captain has...Read more
Reviewed Deathclock
Not paranoid, but I really am going to die!!!!!!!
You may not be thinking about it at the moment, but, it will happen. No, not England winning the Ashes, no not George Bush getting inducted into MENSA, but ...Read more
Reviewed ICC Umpires
Steve Bucknor and Clive Lloyd... egotists.
Umpires. The men in the middle. The men who do the job, the grease in the machine of cricket. They aren't noticed, aren't really celebrated and shouldn't re...Read more
Reviewed Monopoly
Monopolist pig!
Ahh... spending time with your Grandparents. There is nothing quite like it. Especially when Monopoly is cracked out. Monopoly is a game whereyou have to...Read more
Reviewed Petrol Vs. Diesel car
Different advantages for different people.
After my first diabolical attempt at a review on this subject went crazily wrong(I said completely the opposite to the truth) I need to realign a few things...Read more
Reviewed The Tsunami Tragedy of December-04 - Express Your Feelings
Isn't it time for the world to take note?
After the tsunamis hit Sri Lanka, parts of India, Indonesia, Thailand and many other places around the Indian Ocean, millions of pounds (UK) have been given...Read more
Reviewed A Rush Of Blood To The Head - ColdPlay
Good album, but slightly overrated.
The first thing I wish to do is make one thing clear. I am a Coldplay fan and I like 'A Rush of Blood to the Head.' However, I am also a music fan, and d...Read more
Reviewed Google
Google to your heart's desire.
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys, girls and others. I shall introduce you to the world of the serial googler. Hark! But three or four years ago I was an MSN ma...Read more
Reviewed Animal Farm - George Orwell
4 legs good, 2 legs bad.
Animal Farm was written in 1945 as a political satire of the downfall of the communist ideal. By replacing leaders with animals and masking the book as a ps...Read more
Reviewed Vanilla Coke
Addiction in a bottle.
It's been two years since I first tried the vanilla coke, and it's every bit as nice as it was the first time. First time: December 2002; New York City. ...Read more
Reviewed Domino's Pizza - Malleshwaram - Bangalore
Domino's, good food, bad prices and service.
Every Saturday night, my family slump in front of the TV and watch some mindless but fairly entertaining programmes, such as the hilariously camp Rezza Moha...Read more
Reviewed Along Came Polly Movie
I REALLY DIDN'T LIKE THIS FILM. Why? Well, there are a few reasons. Reason 1) The plot: Which I lost. This film didn't really have an immensly believa...Read more
Reviewed Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Movie
One for the lit students...
Harry Potter... it makes you think many things yet firstly it makes you think of a worldwide phenomenon which started with the books. I think making the fil...Read more
Reviewed MouthShut Trusted Circle
The Mouthshut Trusted Circle.
When I first became a member of the online phenomenon that is mouthshut, I didn't quite understand trust or distrust in the context of this site. I thought ...Read more
Reviewed Game Winning Attitude - Is it Necessary
From the Lombardian way of thinking...
I have always been an advocate of Lombardian theory. This was set up by the late, great Vince Lombardi, coach of the Green Bay Packers American Football tea...Read more
Reviewed MTV The Osbournes
Intriguing series.
This is quite possibly the most intriguing television series I have seen for quite a long time. Why? It contains a family which quite scarily looks like my ...Read more
Reviewed A Clockwork Orange - Anthony Burgess
Truly, deeply, scary.
I was given this to read in my literature class by my slightly unhinged teacher. I'd heard rumours about the book, mainly based upon the controversy around ...Read more
Reviewed Best Ten Computer Games
Best ten computer games. No probs.
These are my favourite computer games. They may not be in there for the fact that they were very good but usually just for sensitivities sake. Here are my(e...Read more
Reviewed Delivering an Effective Speech
Forget your troubles
It has been found to be one of the most bone shatteringly terrifying things one can do in life. It is regularly visited in nightmares. But how do we take to...Read more
Reviewed Writing Reviews on MouthShut
To write a review.
Writing reviews on mouthshut can be a very easy practise, if you know exactly how to put across your views on the product that you want to tell everyone abo...Read more
Reviewed Dr Batra's Clinic - Borivali - Mumbai
Dr Batra's Clinic - Borivali - Mumbai Dr Batra's Verified ReviewMouthShut has verified the genuineness of the reviewing consumer.
MouthShut's verified reviews and seamless platform have transformed our customer feedback process. Our partnership with MouthShut has truly revolutionized t...Read more
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