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4 legs good, 2 legs bad.
Nov 14, 2004 08:20 PM 5603 Views
(Updated Nov 14, 2004 08:22 PM)



Animal Farm was written in 1945 as a political satire of the downfall of the communist ideal. By replacing leaders with animals and masking the book as a pseudo - children's story, George Orwell showed to the world a highly accurate depiction of the contradictory nature and lies involved with communism.

The animals rid the farm on which they live of humans, and run it on their own (representing the 1917 revolution). For a while, this works perfectly, and perfectly sane rules are drawn up to maintain control. These rules are:

1.Whatever goes upon 2 legs is an enemy.

2.Whatever goes upon 4 legs, or has wings, is a friend.

3.No animal shall wear clothes.

4.No animal shall sleep in a bed.

5.No animal shall drink alcohol.

6.No animal shall kill another animal.

7.All animals are equal.

However, problems arise when a well-respected leader - who inspired the entire revolution - Old Major (Lenin) dies. A new leader, Napolean (Stalin), and his cohort, Squealer (representing Stalinist propaganda), emerge from the pack to lead, along with the people's choice Snowball (Trotsky).

Things start to turn sour however, when Napolean and his friend start two act dishonourably. Their exploitations start small but grow, beginning with them stealing milk and grain. They then pull out of working and hide the puppies of the farm dog. All this is forgotten as the humans attack the farm to regain ownership, Boxer goes down in legend as he almost singlehandedly defends the country (1945 German invasion). Snowball is also key, Napolean is strangely absent.

Snowball wins the animal's respect by improving the farm, yet the turning point in the book is when Napolean overthrows him using violence, hiring the once - puppies to drive him away. There is a furore amongst the animals, but the smart-talk of Squealer saves Napolean's, ahem..., bacon. Boxer (the Russian People) reacts to this by blindly believing Napolean, despite his flippant nature. Napolean then goes on to break commandments. He trades with humans (who are the 'enemy') and sleeps in a bed (after the rule is changed to a ban from sleeping in a bed with sheets).

A windmill is destroyed in a storm, and its destruction is blamed upon Snowball. Squealer unites all against Snowball, much as Stalin did in his purges. Napolean then lies to the farm, taking out his doubters after an alleged coup and changing the rules to make 'No animal shall kill another animal without cause.'

He gets closer and closer to being human. Another attack by humans sees Boxer injured. After celebrating the victory by drinking himself stupid, Napolean has a rule changed to read 'No animal shall drink alcohol in excess.' As Boxer has no use, he gets rid of him, much like the successful farmers who were victimised and killed in Soviet Russia.

An election is called after this, yet Napolean wins on accounts of being the only candidate - a way Stalin kept power for so long. The final two rules are changed,('4 legs good, 2 legs better' and 'All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others.') and Napolean and Squealer start to have extravagant nights in with humans despite the rest of the farm starving.

Animal farm is an excellent satire on Communism, and will help all develop an understanding in Russian history. He repeats his genius as a social writer in '1984,' which looks forward to a grim and paranoid future, however, this is more succinctly written and obvious to the reader.


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Animal Farm - George Orwell