Nov 14, 2004 03:57 PM
(Updated Nov 14, 2004 03:57 PM)
Every Saturday night, my family slump in front of the TV and watch some mindless but fairly entertaining programmes, such as the hilariously camp Rezza Mohammed in 'Coconut Coast.' Whilst doing this, I usually have a pizza from a local kebab house. This week, it was closed, so I had to look elsewhere. As I live in the middle of nowhere, we need to have home delivery, taking out two of the rivals in the kebab house competition and as the third has a less than savoury reputation (e-coli farm), Domino's was the final option.
This is the timeline of the night.
18.20: Order Pizzas. Margherita, two Pepperonis and a Vegetarian.
18.22: Sit back down.
19.00: Starting to think about what happened to my pizza.
19.15: Really starting to think whats happening to my pizza. I make agreement to phone at twenty past if it hadn't arrived by then.
19.20: Phone Domino's, who put me through to the local chain. They say that they have no idea where the pizza is and generally give no useful information whatsoever.
19.43: Pizza arrives. Delivery guy asks extortionate rate of £20 sterling which I grudgingly pay.
19.50: Finish Pizza, after warming in microwave. It actually tasted quite good, but not worth the wait.
I am going to recommend it but give it a low rating. After all, it was good food just shoddy service.