Oct 24, 2004 04:35 PM
(Updated Oct 24, 2004 04:35 PM)
Writing reviews on mouthshut can be a very easy practise, if you know exactly how to put across your views on the product that you want to tell everyone about. I have a theory on how to write successfully and succintctly and most importantly, purveying your point of view. Here are some GOLDEN RULES which are very helpful when it comes to mouthshut.
Write what you know. This may seem pretty obvious though I have stupidly in the past tried to write about something which I knew nothing about. For goodness sake, give it a test run! We can only write what we know about.
Be Strong. Get your point of view across. Remember, people don't get any help if you keep your opinions to yourself. Be brash, if you don't like the product, be honest and brutal. That helps the reader form an opinion.
Try finding a bit of everything. Spread your reviews delicately across a range of different subjects. In one review, give insight on a book, the next, bottled water. There is nothing which singles you out as a boring writer more than just writing on one subject.
Be friendly. The reader is your friend, and from your reviews will be able to see whether you are a nice-guy or an arrogant brat. Be nice, the world will be nice back.
Decide how much you wish to give away in your review. If you are writing about a book, for goodness sake don't give away the plot. If you like a part of the book, say that there are enjoyable parts throughout, not, 'I like it when Miss. X. did that.' It is not helpful.
DO NOT BE OFFENSIVE. We are all guilty of getting a little hot under the collar sometimes but do not lose it on MS! If you cause offence, you lose trust, you lose confidence and more importantly you could lose your account.
6 GOLDEN RULES of writing on MS. Follow them, be happy, good luck.