ANOTHER day, another Republic day
To remember an odd event 62 years old
When my country chose to be a Republic,
With solemn dignity and a Constitution.
So on a cold, cold day in chilly winter,
We awaken before Sun ushers in the dawn
To make our way to an ancient historic fort
To hear an effete, old, ineffectual leader
Speak in a shivering, feeble, smothered voice
About how our great, incomparable nation,
Despite dissensions, corruption, inter alia,
Makes progress even if unnoticed by you!
He has statistics to support his pronouncements
And make you believe in the cursed cold
That our exalted nation is among the advanced,
Respected in the great comity of nations!
We salute the sacred flag and hail the nation;
Repeat a pledge often made unthinkingly before,
To love and advance the nation forward to progress.
This duty done thunderously, we look for dustbins
To dump the paper flags and symbols of nationhood,
And retire to a rightful lavish publican luncheon!