He he he he he he he he he!
Ahem! Relationships are very important in our lives as we are social creature. We need to socialize. We cannot live without relatives, neighbors & friends.
And in India, the relationship with relatives and neighbors is more important than anything else on earth. We must not underestimate the power(mostly word power!) of them. Otherwise, “What people will say?”
Some relationships are inherited, they are built right from our birth and we make some special relationships: having no blood relation but the strongest relation of heart is called friendship. We choose friends and they gradually become our best mates.
But, this post is not about friendship. We all know about friends & the ship we sail with them more or less. So, it’s dedicated to the ‘VIP’ relatives(and neighbors, in case).
Relationship needs proper emotional nourishment. We need to nurture them in order to keep them alive and sound. You see, we water a plant to help it grow. Here is my advices below to water relationships & manage relatives.:-P
• Communication & contact – It is the essential & foremost duty to follow my advice. You must keep well communication through phone calls, text messages, e-mails & etc. etc. modes available. You must feel free to bother them at anytime by contacting them yourself. Because, rest of the advices are based on this point. You may keep connected all the time(the network available) on wechat too.
• Trust their words – You must keep faith on their words(depends on the person’s trustworthiness). Just believe closing your eyes, cause they are saying because they have own experience! Yes, they always have own experience of what you think is new to you.
• Emotional support – They always undergo some problem or other. They seek empathetic concern of yours though you also know you cannot help them out at all. But this is called emotional support & this is what they need the most. So, call them at their downcast and say not to worry, you’re there.
• Suggestion – Well, many of us block unwanted suggestions tagging them ‘free’. As far as I know, the FREE thing is more wanted than the original thing with which it is free. And we do crave for the free. Only exception is this suggestion. Very poor. Also feel free to suggest them in free.
• Poke – Poking is necessary if you want to keep that person think about you or contact you. It is to remind them that you are still alive. You must send bekaar jokes sms, a poke/tag on facebook, email containing your thought on Himalayan Buddhist Monks, at least give a missed call etc. to him/her on a regular time gap.
• Facebook – Yeah! It works like magic in this case. If you don’t know how to use facebook or its role in reviving relationships, then you better stay away of it. And, if you already know it, what new would I say about? Log in, post & tag all friends(I mean relatives too) in your each photo & let them envy your life of heaven – show them how happy you are.
• Hangouts – Hangouts are prescribed towards the month-starting and strictly avoidable after 15th. Advised for public welfare.
• Get to gather – To avoid hangouts/ movies/ eating outs in order to save rest of your money, invite your relatives at your place for tea or dinner and have good time. Watch old Rom-com on DVD and laugh together, only if you have nothing else to do.
• Dependency – Dependency from both ends is the secret. If they depend on you for the above points, you also need to depend on them only!
Have a good time!
Stay poked. Stay gathered. Stay communicated.
Thanks for reading,