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Dark Future

By: M_Biswas Verified Member MouthShut Verified Member | Posted Mar 03, 2017 | thoughts | 434 Views | (Updated Mar 11, 2017 06:27 PM)

Lately I came across some short movies, documentaries and reports on nature, precisely on increasing Global Warming. All are same at the end. Pollution is the main reason of it all. And pollution is created by human. We are using technology & science to our best comfort and we are making the earth hotter by emitting Carbon Dioxide(CO2). The bad news is CO2 emission is increasing day by day as well as global warming.

At personal level, we use own cars, AC machines, fridge etc. as much as we can to get maximum comfort. This is our part of killing Mother Nature; there are so many other reasons too. Burning fossil fuel like petroleum, coal, natural gases releases CO2. In broader way, chemical factories, plastic factories, cement & brick plants produce more CO2 than any other source.

We all know the effect of deforestation; I’m not going to tell the tale once more. Yet some blind-of-future, money-and-power-hungry people still cut off trees, fill up water-bodies in the name of development. And we just watch, because we do not have the power or courage to fight them, we keep blaming others and others do not have the wisdom.

In our short lifespan we all can already spot that we are going through rapid climate change. It is hotter than ever. We can see that there are more cyclones, tornadoes, drought, floods, earthquakes, snow-storms, land-slides, wildfire, tsunami, rogue wave, acid rain, sudden & unexpected weather change other disastrous natural phenomena taking place since last few decades. It horrifies me to think that there might be massive disaster human race will face within next 100years.

Global warming due to immense pollution eating up all our mother earth silently and slowly like parasite and we are living our own lives running for more & more money and more comfort denying the dark future. We can change our old homes, but where will we go if the Earth turns into a place unable to live?We are doing nothing for our ONLY natural habitat.

Why we all cannot put our best small effort to save OUR NATURE? Because, it is OUR own. For instance, when a person drives to work alone, he is burning petrol emitting CO2. Instead he can use a pool car and reduce his part of carbon emission. If you cannot live an hour without AC, let me tell you that may be you are tiny but you are one of the reasons for global warming.

I personally use public transport to office, walk or go by public vehicle instead of driving anywhere. I put AC on 2hrs auto-off mode. I keep at bay bon fire too. I already stopped using plastic bags at market. Also I do not buy plastic carry bags from shops. I don't throw pet bottles/cans/packets/coconut shell etc. strictly at beach or on road. I keep asking people I know, to do the same. I sort garbage in 2 bags- organic & in-organic. I always drop garbage bags in the garbage truck of corporation. I also grow a few veggis in my little kitchen garden in organic way, I plant saplings sometimes at nearby field, try to recycle & use small things at home as far I can do. We all can do these on our own.

May be my initiative would not affect much. But it might affect to some extent if people like you and me and all our fellow citizens start it as per their capacity. What will we leave behind for the next generations.? Aren’t we digging our own grave thus? Ok, we may die before the final day, but what about our children and grandchildren? Aren't we setting death trap for them? So put your small efforts to stop pollution now, because countless small makes it big. God bless us!

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