Dec 06, 2017 12:37 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Dec 06, 2017 12:37 AM)
Hi everybody,
I am Ranjith and now I am going to share some tips for exercise and easy way to loose weight which really helped me out in many ways and is strongly recommended by my coach. I have been undergoing training for almost 3 months and I have lost almost 3 to 4 kgs so quickly as possible .
Here are some of the tips:
1) There are many exercise that we can do in our daily life rather than going to gym. It includes walking, swimming, aerobics, dancing or other activities warm and without feeling out of breath. It makes us a enthusiast person all around.
2) The second main thing is the dress you wear. It should be loose and comfortable. You can wear sneakers or flat shoe with laces.
3) If you are a starter, build up your speed gradually ad slowly. Atleast it should last for 30 minutes.
4) Exercise regularly at the same time because it will be a part in our daily life style. Find your suitable place for jogging.
5) Let go of your bad habits. It will help you to concentrate in your actions.
6) If you are having bad mental and physical health, there is the chances of getting ill more. So avoid it completely.
7) If you are sick of doing different exercise daily, then you can try this one.
a) MONDAY-you should do 100 bumpers.
b) TUESDAY-you can have 100 squat jumps.
c) WEDNESDAY-100 bumpers +100 squat jumps
d) THURSDAY- you can get rest.
e) FRIDAY-100 bumpers
f) SATURDAY-100 squat jumps
g) SUNDAY-100 bumpers+100 squat jumps.
This is so simple and easy. Rate this according to the usefulness and leave your valuable comments.
Thank you guys!