Nobroker Technologies Solutions Public Limited Cares
Nobroker Technologies Solutions Public Limited is working closely with to enhance customer satisfaction.
No Broker is involved in Arm Twisting of the customer, first they will give low quote to lure you, when service person comes on work place, he will demand more money. Next time another person comes, he demands even more money. You try the Painting department or customer care, nothing happens, matter remains like Jalebi, sweet and unresolved.
You can continue to waste your time but no solution will come out because none of the person over phone let you connect any of the senior person. Senior management haven't shared their contact details and strictly told their juniors not to share details.
So once you are tired, either you demand for your refund or finally pay extra charges. Please think 10 times before Booking any services with No Broker - else be ready to waste your valuable time or end up paying more, all ads are simple illustrations to lure you.