Oct 12, 2009 05:33 PM
(Updated Oct 13, 2009 07:44 PM)
I have two small kids and I have to work hard to keep them away from expensive delicate items like digital camera, cell phone etc.
Therefore I bought this Kodak C140 camera because its cheap (half the price of SONY). I think its a compromise on quality little bit. I captured videos in floroscent tubelight in my bedroom. when I downloaded it on computer and watched it, I feel the video is little dark(dull).
On television, they looked very pale!!. If you play-back videos on camera, u can not hear voice. It do not have speaker it seems. At high level of optical zoom, lot of pixels can be seen. I understand the pixelated picture with digital zoom (but not with optical zoom). the sound quality also affects at higher zoom level. (I dont understand whats the connection of zooming and sound quality. Seems to be a defect!). Still pictures are also slightly dull compared to other better brands.
I am still fine with this product as I have paid only 4.5K for an 8.2 MP camera inclusive of 2GM memory, a pouch to keep it on a belt, batteries, cables. The Big bazar also offered a good battery charger and 2 nos of rechargable 2.5Ah batteries with it for just Rs300/- extra.
This is 8.2 mega pixel camera, the resolution of image is good, but not an Image clarity and brightness. For a good image, the camera lens are very important.The resolution of a camera depends upon the electronics in it . But lens quality makes the differance in brightness and clarity of Image. Mare resolution of 8, 10 or 12 mega pixel, brought to you by electronics and software of the camera is waste if lens quality and other mechanical aspects are not up-to the mark. There lies the diifference between expensive camera and cheaper one. (THIS IS WHAT I FEEL PLEASE CATCH HOLD OF EXPERTS IF YOU WANT TO KNOW FURTHER) For outdoor photos, or photos with good light, the difference will not be noticed. But if you shoot indoor with less light, and compare with good camera, you can notice the difference.
FYI:- "Optical zoom" is achived by moving the camera lens forward-backwords and focal length is adjusted. (Like in binacular). The picture quality is not supposed to get affected by optical zoom.
"Digital zoom" is achived by processing the captured image through software and enlarge it using intellectual software techniques. The picture quality is expected to get reduced by this. you can notice that the digitally zoomed picture is having small spots on it.("Pixels" - technical word) In digital camera, when you zoom, upto certain level, optical zoom takes place. then onwards digital zoom happens.