Worst Builder - Not fit for doing construction
Apr 09, 2016 09:54 AM
Product Implementation Rate:
City zone promoter is a Poor quality, Poor management and worst design builder. The builder is fully money minded and will never care of the customers or quality.
He accepts everything before booking and will expose like he is building a grand palace in low cost and will give all the false statements but nothing he will specify in agreements. The agreement will be very generic and nothing will be specified in detail. But after the construction starts, he will have his own specification and will skip even all the basic amenities and will ask for additional cost for those.
The building itself doesnt have proper constructional procedure and will do the cost cutting in each and every single item. He will construct a single wall even for outer walls and not putting the belts on ground level or in centring level and places the whole centring weight over the 4.5' wall. These kind of construction will not lost for even 10 years and the possibility of ceiling cracks and falling down. You cant construct any further rooms on 1st or 2nd floor.
Fully money minded and only looks for the payment release from the banks. He will do the plastering for one wall and takes the photo of it and demands to release the payment. He will paint only in the front and will take photo and will force us to release the payment. For payment we will get the calls 1000 time in a day. But if call for any issues, no one will respond in person & in phone call.
They will do all kind of mistakes like placing the pillar wrongly, placing the walls in wrong place, placing the stairs in wrong place even without knowing the design or layout of the building. Till now 4 engineers got changed and no one knows the actual specification and design and will do the construction blindly and the masion does all the decisions. If we ask them or question them. They will put the construction on hold for endless until we accepts their mistakes.
Now finally they are demanding 25K for EB to keep the transformer. In project cost itself he have added 70K for EB and now he is demanding 25K more as he is giving 300sqft land for
transformer. If he is planing to build 20 houses, whether he got the approval from EB or even approached EB, I am not sure. Then how he got the approval for these sites, I not sure. Then why he included 70k in our project cost?
So please be aware from these kind of forgery fellows. Who are not fit for doing construction and playing with our lifelong income and financial situations.
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