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The Wonder Of Living

By: Aarini | Posted Feb 28, 2014 | Loving it! | 1300 Views

The Rain Is Splattering against the Window Panes, Yet another Rain, Yet another Cold day, it will probably Snow Again. Again there would be an eerie silence assailing before the big white droplets cover the leaves, mud, roofs, path and even the trash bins with similar enthusiasm. It would be a day of people bonding with each other and smiling playfully, greeting each other and discussing the wondrous nature.

Last Few Days of Illness, Weakness and a Lot of Sinful Attention( Smiling) from Co-habitants, Friends, Parents & Loved Ones – have made me realize one thing. In the end of the day its always about those little gestures, the attention, the care and the big four letter word LOVE….everything and absolutely everything depends upon this. We as Mortal Human Beings function with the TLC(Tender Love Care) and can never give up on the magic of Healing Touch of Affection.

So that Cool Looking Career Woman/Man has nothing extra to function or for that matter a secret ingredient of Success- but just that One Fact which eventually they proclaim on the Stage of Achievement “I just had a Great Spouse/Family/Friends, supporting me in my Crazy Mission”.

An Added Note: Living was/is Tough and When the Going Gets Tough then Tough people like us Search for Hugs, Comforting Hugs, Loving Hugs and Lots and Lots of It .

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