Torn Clothes, broken limb, tired,lonely and of course old very old, So old that no one wants to even look at him, I don't know if this is the sad state of how many people today!
A few months ago, there used to be a man exactly like I how described earlier who sat at a footpath on a road I used to visit frequently, he used to put his hand forward whenever I walked past him,I initially dint bother for a few days, but after a few days I did start feeling sorry for him.. but these days when I visit that road I don't see him...
I feel kind of sad for him now, I don't know if he found a new road to beg or he is no more,I dint know a man that I just saw for a few days could make me sad!
Years ago in school we had a poem called Murjaya Phool , I don't remember the poem as such but I do remember the essence of it.. I was pretty young at that time but I do know one day I will be a murjaya phool too, we all will be! You can cheat age up to a point but one day it will catch up to you.. I think we all need to remember this basic fact of life and at least be a little courteous towards the elderly!
This trend of old age homes in India breaks my heart, I know enough has been said about this topic but if you cant take care of your parents for what ever reason it might be you are a LOSER and if you expect your kids to take care of you without you taking care of your parents well then you are pretty stupid! :P
Earning money is important but lets not forget the people who gave a chance to do that in the first place! Spend time with your parents, all they ask is your time not your hard earned money.
They say a little act of kindness goes a long way.. Who knows?May be something will come back in our old age! :-) And in no ways you are being kind if you taking care of your parents, its your responsibility!
Just my honest thoughts! Do not intend to hurt anyone..
I am getting way too serious these days! :P Will return to my stupid side soon.. :D