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Shame on me !!~

By: khulamunh | Posted May 08, 2012 | General | 1755 Views

Alarmingly I sat one day thinking on how to co-relate the happenings of the previous day and register them for acknowledgment by the knowledgeable world who progress through the web and define their day through e-calenders and source their happiness on sites...

Yes, I was happy to have made ground that night when I wanted to post my first review here on this portal as recognition for the fact that I was able to cover my faux and the company was able to justifiably help me out of the situation.

I invite you to read my first review ( Ferns and Petals) posted on 7th May 2008, and recognise the birth of KHULAMUNH.....and then made some ground to share 36 reviews here with a 25% ROD strike rate ( now at 9).

I complete four years and celebrate the atmosphere of abject surrender to the the life on the net and have recently met up in real with my 58th Virtual friend from this site.

Shame on me !!~

Been such a regular all throughout and then moved away due to certain faction of bickerings and random name calling, that it was unpleasant and tumultous time in between, but hope fully having stuck....some how, will get strengthened with some of the loveliest people I have come across here, importantly to prove social networking is here to writing will see a massive change, posting blogs shall also be an inherent day to day activity....Shame on Me, I stopped in between....

All those, who I have been in touch with personally can do me a favor by visiting this blog, and reminding me if I have missed my count, and those who know me through my blogs here are welcome to my heart...and please do drop a comment.....i need some MS Moolah as pay back to loads of gifts I got in between but was not able to give back....!~

Sharing the Fact sheet of my Profile here -

Time line visited : 24888 [ in anticipation that this crosses 30K this year]

Messages received : 3414 [have a lot of them...i didnt know I got that many]

Messages sent : 3063 [WOW, have replied to most of them..people must be happy to get a reply]

Reviews & Ratings published : 36 [ need to take that figure beyond 100 this year]

Comments posted : 19362 [ will be more regular to post comments....resolution]

Blogs Posted : 711 [strangely thats a big number.....]

Photos Uploaded : 558 [ahaa...i have lots more to share..i will, soon]

Wish U all the best.....and I hope to see you with my commitments made here, same time next year to share completing the 5th year on @MouthShut_Official

Cheers All !~

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