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Living the Life of today

By: suraaz | Posted Jan 26, 2014 | General | 655 Views

Living the Life of today

This morning I was giving Maths tuition to one of my student. When I gave her some work to do, I was thinking about my MSc fourth semester project on'Line Graph' which I am suppose to finish by 30th April. On that time, My mind recalled one of my past incident which I had never thought in last two years. I don't know how, but this taught me a lesson to learn.

One fine night, as of usual, I was talking with my Love on phone. She was sharing about her sister. So she was saying me, "We will also have only one child, whether it be son or daughter."

It was always good to hear such from her. Not because I wanted to see foresight and plan for my marriage immediately, but in those words of her, I could see her commitment that she had for our relationship.

We had lots of differences within us, we used to have numerous of fights yet we used to share a bond where we were able to say, "Nothing matters me more than you."

I replied her. I said, "No, we will have two. The two children will also be best friend for each other and it will be good for any family." She objected. She kept her point and I kept mine. We were interacting as if we are a married couple. We even didn't think we have so many things to do before our marriage. Somehow we managed to end that topic but still during those conversation, I was wondering, "What if I couldn't convince her about my thought in future? ". I needed her in every part of my life and yes, I wanted her to be part of my life.

It was a bit funny moment and I kept smiling during my tuition time. I wanted to share it with someone. As I returned back to hostel, I shared it with my Sister. Even She laughed for this. I joined her in laughter but with a void which my beloved Love had left through her departure.

Today, As I realize We are no more part of each other. The feelings She used to have for me, She might be sharing it with somebody else. We had many such plans and in many of differences and argument we had, I used to wonder what if I won't be getting it. But today, forget about those plans, I couldn't even get her. Two children was a distant thing, I couldn't even accompany her till the stage of marriage.

This moment taught me to be careful about the plans I have been making. I related it with other aspects of my life. I kept worrying for the future thinking what if I won't get it. I kept enjoying for future dream as if I have already achieved them. But Never thought back, if I will be available, if my loved one will be available.

This didn't meant I shouldn't have thought for future. But yeah, While thinking and planning for future, I should live my present in fullest form.

Live the way you are,

Keep Smiling, Keep Reading.

Love, Regards


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