It’s Valentines Day today & I wish all my dear friends and their beautiful families a Very Happy Valentines Day.
Most of us associate ‘Valentines Day’ with romantic Love where lovers express their deep & inherent love by gifting flowers etc & also spending quality time with their loved ones on this day.
I too associated myself with the same thought until some days back a chanced conversation changed this thought. I like to spend some time during weekends with elderly people in my area. Following this trend, Last weekend I was having a conversation with an elderly person aged between 65-75 years. We were talking about various topics and after a while our conversation started on the current trending topic ‘Valentines Day.’ I asked him what difference did he find in Valentines Day Celebration with respect to ‘LOVE’ among ‘AAJ’ i.e. Today’s Generation and ‘KAL’ i.e. Yesterday’s Generation the time when he was young. To which he replied in his trademark style, “Son there is not much difference in ‘LOVE’ then and now. The only difference is then “People were Loved and Things were used, Now Things are Loved and People are used.”Today people celebrate ‘Valentines Day’ one day in a week but then we used to celebrate ‘LOVE’ everyday. Today’s people no doubt have more I.Q (Intelligence Quotient) but at the same time they have less E.Q (Emotional Quotient).
Let me give you an example most of the people today say things which they often don’t mean. They say, ’I Love You’ too many times to too many people but do they really feel the same or do their actions justify the same? I don’t say that everyone is like that but yes many of those are in Majority today. In our time also such people were there but in Minority. We knew what ‘Love’ meant and we used to spread ‘LOVE’ by our actions and not by speaking about it verbally.”
I asked him then what’s the solution and with a bright smile on his wrinkled face he said, “Spend a minute everyday atleast and show your Love and Gratitude to people you know.” I asked him how and he said, “Not by words but by action.” I said how and he said, “Share whatever you know or whatever you learn with people you know. Always do Good to others not only by words but by Action. Make every day of yours as a Valentine Day and Spread Love/Affection to others not only by words but by Action.I can’t tell you what Good you have to do to others that you need to figure it out yourself” With this our conversation ended.
I learned an invaluable lesson of life and would like to share the same message with all of you this Valentine. Make every day of your life a Valentines Day by doing Good & Spreading Love – Not only in words but By Action.
Remember,"One word frees us of all the weight and pain in life. That word is love." - Sophocles