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i smell a bull,eerr,, rat

By: pooja_paliwal63 | Posted Apr 29, 2010 | experiences | 1487 Views | (Updated May 05, 2010 08:02 AM)

The other day whn I and my husband entered our gym there was ths cloud of stink !!,,all over the place,,it’s a gym so, sweatn smell is obvious & regular ,,but tht day it was awful!! Thank god ! u guyz were not there,,lol.thn I saw a boy of about six feet and 110 kgs.!!! Running on tread mill, trust me I could imagine the terror building up inside a matador with a red cloth in his hands whose waitn for the release of a mad ,furious" BULL" !!,i had the same scary feeling,,he was huge!!!,, man,,and he alone was the reason of tht STINK,,

I turned around to watch my husband’s reaction,who was holdn his laughter badly,,as he knew my habbit of sniffing different scents and guessing perfumes!!,he calls me his sniffer dog,, coz most of the times I’m right bout the brand,,and whenever I guess it right he says,,"WAH MERE KUTTEY",,lolzzz!!.

It was HORRIBLE, too difficult to even stand there,,I felt like going straight to tht fellow and throw him out.but considering his size and realizing tht he also must have paid the same hefty fee,,

I quietly went ahead to find the remotest corner of the gym,,but,,ALAS!! tht smell kept following me every where, like a puppy dog,,oye!! tht reminds me I hve to feed my pet dog at farm ;) ,,,lolzzz.

Anywayz thn I came out of the door to have a word with receptionist and coach,,I asked thm to spray some room freshner,,but they told me they r already done with two bottles,,CAN U BEAT IT??,,eeewww!!i could not concentrate on finishing a single set of weights,where in my darling husband was almost halfway done through his circuit,,for the first time in my life I cursed my over sensitive smelling powers for tht,,:((

I was coming in and out from the door to take deep breaths,,now bobz got alert!! As he was very much aware of the consequences,,but before he could do anythn,,there I go ,,SPLASH!!,,WHOA!!,,,I puked and puked very lavishly ( read badly) on the polished wooden flooring of tht swanky gymnasium,,,eeeeww!!,,,now for a moment,, the time stopped!!,,those cylcling, stopped peddling,the ones on stepper, stepped down,runners immediately swiched off there treadmills using the emergency buttons,,and all over the gym, there were thuds of falling weights,,,it was a scene straight out of a movie,I still laugh my heart out whn I remember “the expressions” of people there,,,,

I’ll tell u all one by one,,

the cleaner -who might be cursing,,(read abusing) me for what I did to his shining floor.

aunties - who gave me disgusting luks,as they thought I’m pregnant and still can’t sit at home to hog,and happily put on all those calories.,,imagine??!! third time lucky!!,,,nahiiiiiinnn,,,lolzzz.

gurlz - giving meaningful stares at,,NOT ME but BOBZ,,lol.

guyz - smirking,,may be they r relieved tht now I won’t be comimg for next few dayz, and they can sparingly use those weights and boards!!,,,he he he.

men -can’t tell wht their expressions were,,so I’ll take it as WORRIED tht they won’t be able to see me sweatn out,,,rofl.

THE BULL- oblivious to all drama!!,,just quietly slipped out of the main door!!.as if he is not the BULL or RAT but,one of the bandar of MAHATMA JI,!!,,,lol.

coach - I found only him to be really concerned about the whole episode,he came running with a bottle of water and towel,but even he thought, I did tht coz of the heat and aggressive work out ,,!!

BOBZ - u won’t believe he was the most the chillaxed of all, in tht DRAMATIC set up,,I told u earlier he knew I’m gonna do ths,,he’s been there with me almost 24/7 through out“OUR 2 PREGNANCIES”,and he knew hw sensitive I’m against odors of any kind!!!

aaahhh!!,,now I was relieved,after thrown out,,i was feeling light,,my earlier spinning head was now a lot settled,,

thn bobz,,"my savior" came for my rescue,,and took me out from tht RAT ROOM,we came back home and on phone I asked bout the BULL'S timimgs and changed mine to an hour earlier,so tht I don't have TO SMELL THE RAT AGAIN,lolzzz

PHEW!!,,what an experiance!!.

P.S. - The BULL has inspired me to write a review on sweat busters!!!,,pls read it for 2 reasons 1.if u r facing the animal,mke it read too.

2.if u r one of the species,,lolzzzzzz.

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