I was reading a report on Shocking state of Education system in India. The report was on literacy level of each state and how good the education system was? It was sad to know that in many of the schools the primary school kids cannot differentiate the basic colours, alphabets and cannot to basic Maths. True this may be the state of State Run Government Schools. One of my closed friend, expressed his fear in securing admission for his son in a nursery. Although many a times I did speak to the kid, and with joy and fun he used to express what he knew which he was familiar with pre-school activities and would answer. But on the day of admission the child only said his name, but did not answer any of the questions asked by the principal. For 250 seats in the school there were 700 applicants. The thought that always strike my mind is What is so Special in these schools. Today I was discussion with my friend on his sons progress in school. With disappointment he expressed that his son has gone for Extra coaching classes conducted nearby his apartments although he goes regularly to the school. The teacher doesn’t teach and the teacher who provides coaching classes every quarter wants a fees hike. The reason she gives is that I need to teach everything, as school teacher does not complete it. Why is it so? A decade ago there were only few Govt / Govt aided schools. There was no extra coaching classes? There was a feeling that only weak students required extra coaching! Today going to coaching class is a matter of status. Earlier the parents of the children used to teach the basics at home and would be strict with studies and education. Today there is a fear factor that child would misbehave as well as take an extreme dangerous step ! The students are still the same, the schools are also the same but quality is deteriorating. Today an aspiring candidate can pursue his higher secondary, professional courses, graduation and even doctorate level through correspondence. What would happen if pre-school and nursery is done through correspondence? And independent agency take an exam and give results ? will the burden comes down? Or more and more private schools are only the answer to this? If we just imagine that schooling is a process – where is the bottleneck ? because the input is same – the innocent kid, The Output is same – Literate The process needs to be revamped, but most of the education institutes are owned by political and affluent people – The inclusive growth of providing good education will only be on papers and the poor, lower middle class citizens will suffer !
What are we doing? Edu CAT ? or we are moving foward for educate ?
The TOI has a great program of Teach India - This is on Quality of Teachers ? Who shall care about the Quality of infrastructre, The curiculum, The support and much required Motivational factors?
Is giving mid day meal only encourages students to attend regularly ? who shall provide the moral support and inspire these to be the great assests of our country !
Many thoughts - no concrete answers !!