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2 B R Not 2 B...

By: JaveedAhmedM | Posted Jan 30, 2011 | General | 1531 Views

I am not a fitness Freak,but I wanted a healthy body,with no interest in 6 Pack.I used 2 work out myself by walking regularly,but then a day came when the park which was my NYCP was dug up 4 landscape & I could not do my walking without risking myself.I did try another park 4 my daily routine,but the distance & price were dear.

At office,when discussing this matter,I gathered that Amy & Atee were members of the Gym just Opp. 2 our office.I 2 did notice the newly come up gym,where I could watch people doing their routines & I used 2 Envy them.Both successfully marketed me the idea of joining the Gym.I made a wrong call of joining the gym 4 aerobic class as I was not into weights.I don't know how many of U have ever joined a Gym like this.U will generally find 12 young people,who must have been coming 2 the same gym 4 at least 1/2 their life & know all the right steps.Well,let me confess,it was not the most motivating experience particularly if Ur main aim in going 2 the gym was 2 burn a few calories,feel better & improve Ur self-esteem.

The 1st day itself blew my bloated ego & self confidence,when I discovered that well worn shorts & T-shirt,which was acceptable when walking in the park,are now inadequate in comparison 2 designer tracksuits,headgear,wristbands & Adidas.I was Odd fish.With lot of self motivating words I gathered enough self-esteem 2 join the session but then when I actually got into the exercise routine,which was accompanied by the ear-splitting music & a screaming instructor who at periodically insists on yelling at a pitch 2 drown the music with "AND....TURN!"

Even though I teach,being a Student,at this periodic command,I found that all the 12 bodies uniformly & elegantly rotate their bodies in the opp. direction,who happen 2 be looking directly at me,as I am the only one who has turned the wrong way!After a few trails & errors,I had some asst. bodily manhandling me 2 get it right & synchronise my movements with others.Having Suffered 4 30 minutes of these bodily twists & turns,humiliating experiences & when finally released from the session,I used 2 run rather limp back 2 my car,promising myself that this will be the last I am going 2 attend.But having paid 4 a month & the persuasiveness of Atte,I gave myself 4 experiment.

How could I have been so stupid 2 think I could join in with these demi-gods?Why did my body not work in the same coordinated & synched way that they all did?Why was I such a failure in this fitness league?Will I ever be able 2 least get back 2 my walk?These questions went unanswered & still pondering,but having scrapped together at least some of my shattered ego & support of Atte,I went 4 another 2 weeks.

Then came a Day where,I happened 2 have a training session 2 be conducted one early morning 4 some corporate in subject of my forte.The Day had been very successful,the group enjoyed the session & they had all come up 2 me afterwards 2 say goodbyes & thanked me 4 my efforts.Well the joy that I felt at that moment,I quietly congratulated myself.

While loading back my teaching aids into my car,I looked across the office from the parking lot at the gym,the scene,where I was tormented & humiliated 4 past 2 weeks.The Gym was house on the 3rd floor,like a conservatory & the windows were from ground 2 roof all double glazed,so watching the scene from outside was like watching a tv shows that comes early morning,only difference is no sound.

I was amazed at the sight that greeted me.12 odd heavy sweating bodies were there,all pulling ridiculous contortions,with matching facial expressions.I didn't see the elegance nor a hint of the poetry in motion.Even the designer clothes lost appeal.I stepped back from what I was doing & watched them quite openly.Are these the same demi-gods who had made me feel such a little mortal 4 past 3 weeks?Surely these are not the same super humans that could have caused so much pain & humiliation?As I stood there looking at the scene,I 4 a second caught the reflection of myself on my car side mirror.A tall,slim & nicely dress young man with great smile,who looked calm,confident & self-assured was staring at me.I was ME.I LoL at my own folly.

We all compare ourselves with others,create a self-image & how that image might be viewed by others.Even though I can laugh at the incident after 15 years,at that point of time the experience was quite devastating until I could stand back & watch my self away from gym & not inside it.I did realize that each person excels at something & we don't all excel at the same time.The temptation 2 compare our worst with someone's best is not a healthy comparison.

Later in Archie's Gallery a card read"Aerobics:Just a way of paying fancy amount 2 humiliate 1self in public".But it is amazing what power other people can hold over us.

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