May 26, 2010 04:33 PM
(Updated May 26, 2010 04:37 PM)
Big promises often fall flat. Tall promises by tata's is only half lived. Though i do not face connectivity issues or have major problem with the speed, i'm appalled at the customer service (cs) levels.
The major shocker was the fact that tata doesn't accept credit card payments (online or offline) !!! Its so inconvenient to go all the way to the store n pay cash to get your device refilled !!! When i requested the cs to swipe my card at the counter n adjust the transaction with the other bills they tell me that the when they swipe the card at their counter, the money goes to their vendor hawaie, their device manufacturer. Can you beat that !! They give u such ridiculous excuses n reasoning that make u think how do these people manage to sell ???
They do not mention it anywhere that they do not accept credit cards not even on their brochure.It feels like sheer torture !!
They make you feel like it's stone age !!! Please wake up tatas !! This is generation X.