Feb 17, 2024 08:04 AM
(via Mobile)
(Updated Feb 17, 2024 08:10 AM)
Stop using netmeds.
This is horrible when nedmeds can't even track their own payment done to their system.
I had done Netmeds ID NMS240213941113C. The link was given by the telecaller promising additional discount. So I ordered more quantities. However i believed that payment was made thru thirs party so the payment should have reflected. After much followup did I know that there was short payment made. How could i know since it does not reflect on the website.After following up could I know. This transaction does not even reflect on your website. Had not followed.my money would have disappeared.First of all there no proper systems in place. No proper customers followup for payments that are made. Means if you forget money is in their account and after few months it will disapper. Now almost reaching 1 week no delivery. Worst app that cannot be trusted