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Unfair trade practices by the bank
Jun 27, 2009 08:10 AM 2827 Views

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I have a personal loan from HDFC bank and the same has been paid through ECS for the last 4 years. This month, there was no money in the account since I came up with an unforeseen expense.

After this the collection agents have come into the act and have been calling me I suppose. I was not in town and the information on the ECS failure was not known by me. The bank to collect Rs. 4803 has taken a few steps which is alarming,

  1. The collection has been initiated on 8th June 09(due date), represented for collection on 9th June 09 and again presented for collection on the 13th June

  2. There was another presentation to the savings accoun, this time Rs. 550 withdrawn from my account and the narration says, "1506 OVERDUE LOAN - 10428145 RECOVERED"

  3. I received a letter from HDFC on the 25th June 09, the date on the letter is 15th June 09 and the posted date 23rd June 09. The letter states that I am required to make a payment from the date I get this letter, not sure if the date from which the 7 days is calculated is the date of posting or the date on the letter.

  4. On the 25th June 09, a friend of mine calls me to let me know that the HDFC agents had called him to tell about my default and that he informs me to make the payment.

  5. Today is the 27th june 09 and I am woken by a shabbily dressed, foul mouthed, uncouth, unprofessional person named Kannappan, he is a collection agent. This person comes knocking at my door at 0645 Hrs(believe me). It is now 0730 hrs and I am writing this review. This person asks for a payment and when I take my cheque book, he says that I have to make a cash payment. I am unaware of many people holding cash at home for making payments at 0700hrs in the morning.

I have felt that the collection process or the recovery process that the bank follows is very unprofessional and can be termed as an unfair trade practice. This is starting to cause mental agony and a person like me who has done business with HDFC Bank for the last 5 years with personal loan, credit card and savings account(salary account) don't deserve this treatment.

I am wanting to proceed to complain to the consumer forum. If some of you have done that in the past, please guide me on the same.


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