Jul 20, 2011 06:35 PM
(Updated Jul 21, 2011 06:01 PM)
“Life does not give you another chance” as the title says, so make merry every moment, pack your bags, pool your bank balances, go out to explore the world, visit the best of places, dine and drink at best hotels, experience the thrill of every beauty of nature in whatever form you see it, feel it!
You have any built in fears of Oceans, heights, or of chasing bulls, Life will not give you another chance, hence you got to go out and experience the joy of overcoming them. Do not hesitate to jump off a plane and do a sky dive, or swim to the depth of an Ocean or join the madness of Spanish crowds ready to be killed by charging Bulls! Well life does not give you another chance! So go out and do it, the movie says.
The casting, apparels, the photography, music and the experience of the whole movie is worth a watch. You will come out of the theatre feeling that you had a refreshing cup of Nescafe! No more No Less!
I hope the youth do not literally take the message of the movie that “Life does not give another chance” and imitate its practice in the same manner as the screen stars have exemplified.
As for the story line and other details, there is not much to spell out. My friend @jmathur has brought out that aspect of the movie in a comprehensive manner and anyone who is interested in that, should not miss a read of that review.