Jun 07, 2009 03:34 PM
(Updated Jun 07, 2009 03:36 PM)
*YOGA - For all ages and stages of life.
Yoga **is a 5000 year old science whose teachings were first imparted not in a classroom or Gurukul, but on the battle field. In the epic Mahabharata, the sage, Lord Krishna is first said to have imparted the teachings of Yoga to his despondent student Arjuna.
Around 1500 years later, another sage, Patanjali, went on to enunciate, for the benefit of humankind and eternity, the way to reach the summom bonum of life through a series of 195 aphorisms(sutras) in his epic treatise The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
Derived from the Sanskrit root “Yujir Yogey” meaning to unite, to yoke, to join, to put together, Yoga is not about mind over body. On the other hand, Yoga is about developing harmony between them. In Yoga, you use your mind to perceive(diagnose) and guide(heal) your body. Never control, let alone force it!
Yoga was practiced as a form of meditation by the Hindus and Buddhists. Today, however, yoga has grown tremendously and in some cases is even misused. Yoga is said to be the cure for all ailments. It keeps you fit, flexible, and builds your strength, resistance, and endurance.
Yoga is very effective when you want to lose weight and tone your body. Let’s look at some of its advantages. Losing weight: Yoga helps to get in to shape either by losing weight or by putting on weight. This is however applicable only if you have not exercised at all and with an additional change in diet. A high intensity workout is required if you wish to lose a lot of weight. The underlying principle for weight loss is an increased metabolism.
Flexibility: Yoga helps in improving the overall flexibility of an individual. The stretching done in various exercises is especially beneficial. After completing the stretches, you should contract your body to maintain a balance and stability in your exercises.
Toning Muscles: It helps to tone down your muscles. There are two types of toning. One is myogenic, which refers to the resting level of muscle tension and the other is neurogenic, which refers to the muscles in use while walking, working etc. These can be improved through minimal exercises of high intensity.
Using and building muscles: Yoga ensures that all your body muscles are used even those that have not been used for long and those that you use on a daily basis. Muscles also improve in appearance. This happens when you over work the muscles. A change in the muscle mass, size, strength, and endurance can be attributed to yoga. However, yoga is most effective in inactive individuals.
Relaxation: The most important purpose of yoga is to provide peace and a sense of calm. It helps relieve all stress and tension. Just switching off all the lights and focusing on your breathing provides tremendous relaxation. Initially it is difficult to shut off your mind from all thoughts, but slowly and with a lot of practice, this is possible. Generally, people believe yoga to simply be a form of exercise, but it is really a form of meditation.
Physical wellbeing Physiotherapists encourage individuals to practice yoga to enhance muscle tone and increase supple joints that move freely. Muscle injuries can be treated with yoga, as it facilitates blood circulation through damaged ligaments and muscles. Yoga can be practiced to improve blood circulation and remove toxins that have accumulated in the body.
Both internal and external Yoga practice improves the flexibility of the body. Start with basic levels, and then progress to advanced forms. Exercising the internal and external organs strengthens the entire body. Despite the absence of concrete medical evidence, people across the globe have reported improved health after regularly practicing yoga.
Emotional wellbeing It is strongly believed that yoga lubricates the ligaments, joints and tendons. Those who practice yoga consistently report amazing improvements in their health. Yoga is an exercise of the organs, muscles and mind.
Yoga postures are designed to work the entire body. The relaxation achieved through yoga gives one complete peace of mind and promotes the emotional sect of the body.
The ultimate aim of yoga is to provide a spiritual workout and to control all the senses and psychological disabilities. After trying various forms of exercise, people across the globe have found yoga to be a healing form of exercise that can promote mental and physical health. It is so good that physicians and physiotherapists believe yoga to be the best way to avoid disease and injury. Yoga is often recommended to their patients.
Yoga is all about feeling good; feel the blood surging through your veins, the energy pulsating through your nerves, the bliss coursing through your whole being.
Yoga is for the body, mind and spirit. You learn to use your body, breath and mind to stretch, relax and energize yourself. So get up and go!
Yoga - It is fit for all ages and stages of life.