Hi guys this is somshekhar I am going to tell about of this site is banne in India by Indian Censor.
contain of in this site can be illegal many people can use this site for download movies and shows nowadays it is blocked by government this site is also popular for new movies but it provides movie links like as openload India share up to 5 clouds and many more when click on link it direct to the as an showing message your mobile is under risk you can repair your app by downloading this similarly it is redirec. two other websites such as pronoun sites except after lot of efforts you will get proper movie link are you get message on screen movie link can be available in next 24 hours however it is much time consuming website and also automatically download any miscellaneous apps in the background which can harmful to your system suppose you can success to download the movie in HD but it is not HD resolution and when you can download movies but cannot access this because IP address service always busy there is lot of movie websites try it