Nov 09, 2015 11:44 AM
This is the best compression software in the world. This software is available on both PC and andorid and Mac. You can compress any number of files for basically three reasons.
If you are having lot of small files you cannot copy to another place fast. It means you have your 5 GB of data and 2 lakh files in them.then the transfer speed will be very less. If you use WinRAR to make them as a single file you can copy the files very fast.
While making a archive out, you also have the option to split the files so that the fat32 partition can copy the files. because pen drive support only upto 4gb.on fat32.
Data compression 5 GB to 1 GB.
Video compression on h.264. 5GB to 4.8 GB
Video compression on raw data. 5 GB to 500 mb
Text compression 5GB to 100MB.