Now days whatsapp is popular app in everywhere. no doudt whatsapp is no1 massenger. most people like n love whatsapp.but I dont know why they love this app soo much .
whatsapp provide few chating features. where other massenger gives me more features.
chat experiance is more fun in those apps.and other apps are free where we have to pay few dollars for using whatsapp every year.
features not provide by whatsapp.
it did not allow us to send large video files.
we cannot send ppt or any doc files which is a main problem.
app size is quite big.
free for 1yr after that we have to pay for it.
did not provide any stickers.
did not provide any ocationally mobile recharges.
blocking feature very bad in whatsapp.
did not provide any chat theme.
- did not provide any refering bonus
just good for corporate chating