Dec 15, 2015 06:13 PM
Whatsapp is the best ever software developed for chatting and entertainment. its a new way to talk to your friends and family to share your emotions with your loved ones. if you want to talk to all your friend at one place then you can also make your group with your friends where all your friends can chat with you and you can have lots of fun with them. its a pure entertainment software. you can entertain your friend and family members by sending them funny jokes, video messgaes, audio messages or by sending them funny images. its easy to install, easy to handle and is not heavy for your phone. you can also install whatsapp on your pc or lap top, there you can chat to and do a lot of things. there is no limit on how much messages or with how many persons you chat at a time. there is no limit on how much videos, audios or images you send and to how many people. I recommend every one to try whatsapp and enjoy with your family and friends