Jan 08, 2016 01:18 PM
A few years back when I bought a postpaid vodafone connection the 3G speeds were the fastest as compared to other operators. I used to easily get around 8-10 Mbps of stable speeds. Now for the past 2 years things have changed drastically. For the past 2 years I am constantly getting speeds of 0.1 to 0.3 Mbps only! It is to be noted that this has happened only in the area where I reside. In other places the speed is acceptable.
I have made several complaints to the operator but they have not yet responded. I am using a Rs. 750 3G plan and I am not even getting Edge speeds, leave alone 3G!
It is an open secret that in order to cater to new subscribers these mobile phone operators'turn' the face of their transmitters/dish to the area to which they need to cater. In such cases we, the loyal customers suffer badly. The solution is to increase the number of towers and their capacity.
Reduction of speeds of existing customers is not only ethically wrong, it is a 1st class fraud! Because the company still charges the customers for 3G speeds but does not even give G speeds!
I request Vodafone to look into this issue on priority and contact me for further details so that I can enjoy the services for which vodafone is charging me so heavily.