First of all I say to this type of chainese copany .that please don't tink we don't have
Knowledge about electronic. Whaen I sew first time phone I think there is something in this phone .but I am worng .this phone is totally garbage or nothing why iam saying .tell you first the body of the phone is totally plastic and second or important thing is there full screen .it is only HD ready when pixel is ( 144×720p) not full HD ( 1080p) or not UHD ( 420P) in
this price segment .
and third it's price .in this festures other
mobile company price is less ( cheaper) than compare to vivo v7+ .it price cost is almost 25000 and also I want tell you the phone accessories first the charger is not a fast charger common earphone .look not so so good .it is only one feature in this phone that is its my point of view is why people buy this costly phone that only give one feature that's it is thak you dquotesmouthshut.
comdquotes for give me this charge to express my view