Hello my dear friends VIP company privide many types of bags, Traveling Bags , Attachi etc. VIP Bags is very old company and best bags company. This VIP bags are looking very good with very good degine. And This VIP bags are very strong and giod life. Cost also very low compair with another company bags. Specially in this bags leathers are pure , strong and very good quality. Many types of bags available of this VIP bags Company. This is my personal experience why because I am using now VIP bags for traveling purpose and before 8year back I am used VIP Attachi. So my dear friends VIP Bags are very good and very usefull bags with veey less peice . This bags are found all over in India. So my dear friends you are also buy this VIP bags and use multi purpose and give your great feedback and your opinions . Thank you my dear all sweet friends.