Jun 03, 2005 02:09 PM
(Updated Jun 03, 2005 02:09 PM)
No body is perfect in this world…but why don’t we realize this fact? We spend most of our life in being perfect, where some one else defines the term perfect. We fail to realize what makes us feel happy. We constrain ourselves so as to adhere to what society says is good or bad. Our lives are guided by the norms set by society. If anyone tries to go against these they are said to be mad. In short the message from this novel is ‘live as if you are going to die tomorrow’.
Veronica in this novel isn’t happy with her life, not because she is lacking something in her life. She has a decent job, good parents, umpteen number of boy friends. But still she is so depressed in her life, which makes her commit suicide. Its because she is not aware of what happiness means to her. She feels that the life is the same everyday without any challenges. When it’s the same what’s the need to live such a boring life till you die? And so she decides to end her life taking sleeping pills. But fortunately/ unfortunately she fails in doing so. She is admitted into a asylum, and is told that pills have affected her heart and she has 7 more days to live. Its this time during which she realizes what happiness is? She does what her heart says as there is no point in pleasing some one when she is gonna die. She realizes that she has been watching a woman everyday who sells different things but not even a single day Veronica has cared to smile at her. How true…..in our daily lives we keep rushing in achieving many things, goals, aims but fail to see the lil things/ people around us which/ who make us feel happy.
Veronica meets many people at this asylum who prefer to be at asylum rather than living in world of hypocrisy. Veronica learns the value of life in those last days of her life. Learns how to live and enjoy the life.
It’s a very good book that you need to catch up. It will leave you with a feeling of having learnt the meaning of life/ secret to happiness.