Kindly don't purchase anything from UrbanLadder on the off chance that you are in Bangalore. They are not conveying the item even after the guarantee date. I arrange a couch set on eighteenth Oct Order#R63361174 with full installment and they guaranteed me to convey the item before second Nov. I was upbeat that they will convey before the Diwali time.
In any case, once the due date is over, no conveyance and subsequently I attempt to compose mail and called them commonly. They send a misgiving mail just once saying it is an oversight. Presently I attempt to contact them again for affirmation for the course of events of conveyance or wipe out the item. Since it is just about a month is over, I would prefer not to hold up additional.
Neither they are reacting my mail nor they are affirming my cancellation about this item. Such an egotistical from the UL individuals, not expected this. They won't give it a second thought on the off chance that you as of now buy anything. Just they will react on the off chance that you are intrigued to purchase another item.
I would prefer not to prescribed anyone to endure like this, as there is no appropriate procedure they are taking after. I feel tricked utilizing UL internet shopping, terrible. Urbanladder, asked for you to quit conning and tricking individuals as you demonstrate you are giving most noticeably awful administration.