Dec 30, 2015 12:35 PM
Twitter is a social networking site that allows users to send a short messages which are basically called as'tweets'. I made a twitter account back in 2012 but never used it. Recently I decided to login to my twitter account when I was trying to get the Eureka Forbes guys to install aquaguard at my place after repeated phone calls were not helping my cause. To be honest I had no idea how to use twitter. So I had to do a little research on how to tweet, how to follow certain accounts, what a hashtag was, etc. A twitter account is free. You can easily recognize it because of its bird logo.
So a tweet is basically a short message that you can send through your twitter account which is puRobotouchc by default. If you want to tweet to a particular person or company use the'@' sign followed by the'username' and then your message. You can accompany your message with photos too. The only disadvantage is that the tweet length is restricted to 140 characters.
You can follow other twitter accounts. Any tweet that the account you are following makes you get an update about it immediately. You can unfollow them any time you want.
A hashtag is a very popular in twitter. It is used to make it easier for the users to find messages with a specific content. You use a'#' in front of a word and search it in twitter. All messages that have the'#word' tagged in it will be presented. If a hashtag becomes very popular it will appear in the'Trends' area of your homepage.
You can'retweet' by forwarding an individual tweet. You can also'like' a tweet by clicking on the heart.
Until early this year I never realized the advantages of using twitter. I purchased an aquaguard magna and the was finding it very difficult to get someone from the company to install the product despite several phone calls. Finally I went on their twitter account and sent them a tweet about my problem. Got a reply from them that they would immediately look into my problem. The very next day they sent a person to install it. Probably did not want a bad name on the social media.
I follow some cele_45brities to get updates about their movies. I also follow some companies like Amazon. They tweet about offers, latest products, etc. Any issues or information you want you can tweet to them and most of the time you will get a reply.
If you have a blog or website you can promote it on twitter. Your followers will get regular updates and this will lead to increase in traffic.
The government of India is also very active on twitter. I keep reading articles where railway authorities have responded very quickly when passengers have tweeted for help. During the recent Chennai floods too twitter was very active and helpful in rescuing people and getting relief materials to affected areas.
The app is available on the mobile so you can tweet on the go.