Tvs jupitaer is best scuty 110cc maximum speed 109.1cc averg/maileg 59cc fule tenk 4.1liter front brek drum rear breck is drum market price 45, 300RS is cool price btublrs wile 4stoke petrol engien aircooled one sylinder OHC Tyer tyep is Y front and backe two weil is Y tyer is good seat is very comfar table spece is best charging faselity dicye spese all scytie type spese all tyep market in weriant color avelebal red, balck, and othr colore avelebal stearing is very comfartabal seat is very comfartabal is so good two man vry comarfat feal so good searing controal so good said looke so good around look so good but color is bad