Jan 26, 2009 07:52 PM
(Updated Aug 17, 2009 04:40 PM)
I once read a story of the book entitled, "Tuesdays With Morrie," written by Mitch Albom. This very touching story tells about a professor/coach and his students and how this professor accept death positively. Prof. Morrie despite the knowledge that he is going to die soon, but he never stopped in one corner just to wait for his death to come. He has a very positive approached in life. He believed that life has full of surprises that sometimes, the thing you don’t expect to happen turns out to be what comes out. Prof.Morrie believed to live a meaningful life, and why he was here, because of some purpose. The author can’t avoid not to say lots of goodness, courage, love, inspiration, philosophy, and many more about Prof. Morrie even to his last breath.
The story will make you smile or cry because of how this man live his life to the fullest, not because of wealth but because of his positive outlook and good nature character. A man that is full of wisdom, a man who fought that killer disease which gradually made his body decayed when he was still alive, yet, he never lost his hope that he could do many good and profitable things in his life despite the sacrifices that he can't move by himself , during his last days on earth.
Tuesdays With Morrie is really inspirational story and full of hope even one has a dreadful disease and there’s no chance of cure. But my review is not to talk much about this book, although I give a little idea about it. But it is because of this book, why I came up to the topic about"Life and Death."
Below is my idea of what life and death means to me, according to my observations and experiences. And as I tried to come up to the real meaning of this two words, the more life seems to have an endless meaning. And the more you want to get away from death, the more it is fearful in so many instances.
I came up with the three questions which any of you could also share your own ideas and meaning. at the end of this topic at the comment section.
Life- what does it mean to you?
Death- are you prepared when that time will come?
Between life or death ,do we have choices?
I don't want to sound pessimistic, but what happened to me and the rest in my family were beyond anyone's control. And before I go further, please allow me to give my ideas what life means to me or what death is all about and whenever I have my choices, what could it be?
My idea of life...
...life is something like but not limited to- when an egg cell of the woman and the sperm cell of a man unites together life begins, a new human being waiting to be borne after some designated time. Or-life begins when you hear the first cry of a new born baby who just came out from the womb of a mother. Or- life, as the source of vitality as in-Peter was thelife of the party last night. Or, the manner of living as in- living in a hard lifeor could be having a simple, peaceful, organized and happy life. And for others- there's life when a love one suddenly came, after a long time of being away or, there's life when a business is doing goodand the income is increasing high. It could be a dream came true that thelife you dreamed of, is to be somebody someday and that one day you wake up to be so. In the spiritual point of view, God Almighty created man and woman to have a complete domain over all things above and underneath the earth. Thus-life begun with Adam and Eve as God blew air in their nostril. And since God commanded to Adam and Eve to go and multiply,we aren’t loners on this planet, anymore. God gave us various examples of human existence, like family, parents and people whom we related to, on a day-to-day existence! And besides from human being there’s animals, plants, fowls for us to enjoy because they too have life!
When I was young, I think life is just all about being happy with the family. Being together with dad and mom, my siblings in front of the table and everyone else who were all present to have a fine dinner. You will hear our dad almost have a roll call everyday looking who is not around. And on Christmas day, everyone will receive gifts from Santa Clause as what my mom used to tell me. I need to be nice and not naughty because Santa's coming to town-that’s life to me.A life of an innocent child in me. But as I grow up and become mom myself, I understand why our mom and dad wants to see us all at the end of the day. Because life is miserable when one is lacking. That’s true with me, when kids starts to grow up and get married, it’s not easy for me to be separated from them. But life must go on as we know, because kids will have their own family and life of their own.
We may have many meaning of what life is all about and whatever life means to you it all depends on how you look at it. And after sometime, we may as well think about death too. For there's no life that stays forever without ending in death. For life begins from womband end in tomb.
What is my idea of death?
My idea of death as in the natural deathis that- when one stop breathing and the heart stops beating, life ends and death comes as what it really mean. But someone says that," Death is like a dreamless sleep from which we will never awake, our consciousness snuffed out forever. While others says, "death is really the end of a mortal soul or the final reckoning with the Almighty God.”But is death really an end of life itself ? Most of us believe that death is associated with some sort of fear, the fear of the unknown, the fear that anytime you will be gone and what is going to happen to the love ones you leave behind. Maybe the fear that when you're gone, nobody will remember you anymore. Yes, in certain time, once a person is dead no matter how big or small one's accomplishments, in due time everything will be forgotten, only the memories and name etched in his/her tombstones remain, but after many decades it will become unreadable due to weathering, and fades ‘till just few will remember…till all in the family tree slowly and gradually diminish one after the other for some long decades, till no one remembers anymore.
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