Toshiba is the one company according to me you can't believe at this any time
First I bought this hard disk from banglore
Then I got to know the piece is a defective one
I'd came back to my town
I took it to a shop near me they said you've to go to the same shop where you've bought it nor there were a service centre in there
I have to go back to bangloe just to enquiry about the defective piece
Firstly when I reached the shop where I'd bought that they're not ready to believe that I'd bought it from their later they're not ready to exchange it after many efforts I got it changed then I returned home
First week it was working well as it say the 8th day only the thing got fire up inside the wires were burnt
And everything's over
Please never buy a toshiba product I advice you
Thank you mouthshut
Please stop buying. Believing in toshiba