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Stock advice can make one a billionaire.
Nov 10, 2015 06:04 PM 8990 Views

Advice come out of personal experience. How advice differ from information.

Information can be wrong or true or too late, but advice has no nature to misguide unless the advicer is ill informed or has inside information. Insider and insider information.

it is illegal and very advice from an insider cannot give any good result in fact one may loose his entire money. Does stock attract.

Yes if one follow the happenings and rise and fall of stocks, it is very easy to find out it.

1  Demand and supply theory.

2 over bought and over sold position.

3 Policies that can affect temporarily.

4 Gain from a stock say in one year with deposit one make in Bank or real estate.

5 speed of growth, sometimes in one day it can be 10 percent gain or even 20 percent.

6 your present income and how best it can be placed for stocks.

7 Mutual fund or direct stock buying.

8 understanding on shares and its ups and downs.

9 Tips that sometimes come by investors but it should not be too trusted.

10  if a  Bank can invest in equity, one can better perform than them. Demand and supply theory.

it is very easy to find out, in Buyers column and sellers column the number varies and it is always mismatching, based on this one can easily guess where the market moves. Over Bought position and oversold position.

in short sale, if the sold position is more, usually the stock becomes hot, here caution is though the price is high, the buyer may not gain, once the short seller covers and sell double the moment he buys, it falls, never buy when the stock is too high, it is meant for holders and short sellers to cover, many times the stock view channels give too rosy figure for the stock that has touched more than fifteen percent, its downfall is imminent and if luck is there it is just lottery, wait for the total fall of the stock, may be next day it can be bought. Policies that can affect.

No policy can cause major gain or loss of a stock, hence one should not just fall for the policy made by the govt or Reserve bank that guides the banks to follow on interest rates.

Govt makes policy change  and insiders already know of it, that is why when the policy is announced the buyer usually looses. Gain from a stock versus with Bank deposit.

it is time to know, world over interest gain out of deposit will come down so bad, the gain is not worth to calculate, say if it is 7 percent per year, most stock gives 7 percent gain in one week, but here one should average with cost of it.just like maths stock investment is pure calculation of percent gain in terms of day, week, month or a year. spend time to workout in a note book.

Every time one may make mistakes, say in one year you have made 365 mistakes, these mistakes could have been avoided, if the known loss is found out and fresh cash is brought one can cover all the losses made over a period of one year, ten year or even decades. Bring in little little and make it seed become 100 seeds, 100 seed can become 10000.second year this 10000 seeds can also become TEN CRORES.A farmer patience is needed to make the stock give return based on sell and buy, buy and sell. Sell what you have, wait and buy what u dont have after it falls.

when you sell what you have usually it goes up, but in the end of the day it comes down, here once you sell, take enough time to buy a new one, that is coming down, in the end of the day, cover what you sold if it has come down, sell what you bought has gone up, if not takeit as a delivery.No cost for you, because your stock sold for gain and so simple. Educated or lazy to make out list of stocks they have.

A person highly educated say in economics took 20 years to master on study, but ask him what are his positions in stocks, his mental calculation is too bad, so much he depends upon should handle himself what he holds and make out its value.

still more one can advice let me take time, how much better I will be able to imprint here.


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