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~*~ Joys And Woes Of Being A Parent ~*~
Jan 21, 2009 01:29 PM 3323 Views
(Updated Jan 21, 2009 01:44 PM)

The arrival of a bundle of joy in a woman’s life makes her feel a complete woman. The attainment of motherhood is of great honour to her. I attained this honour Sixteen years back and that bundle of joy is the source of my pride. Bringing up a child surely tests a person’s patience and has its moments of bliss too. The first word uttered by your baby, the first tooth that your baby cuts, the first step that s/he takes are the moments that are difficult to forget. Bringing up children is daunting task but a little tact, lots of love sprinkled with patience and understanding is needed to make it an enjoyable experience.

Conception to Birth :This can be most difficult time for a woman as this is the time she feels changes in her body, suffers from morning sickness, is unable to eat food properly. This is very crucial period as this is the first step towards parenting, a healthy mind and body is must for a healthy baby. Positive attitude is very important as during this period a woman is surrounded by many doubts. If she has some complications, she is bound to be worried about her baby. It is very important for her to have regular checkups, tests and she must never forget the necessary medicines/vaccines. Always speak to your baby it helps in forming a bond and the baby feels secure too.

Birth to 2 yrs :When the babyarrives in this world kicking and yelling happiness can be seen on the faces of his/her family members( in most cases). A woman forgets the pain she had endured when she holds her precious baby for the first time.

A new born baby is always hungry or sleepy. When few weeks old he sleeps a little less. When 3-4 months he must be started on fruit juices and watery dal. At 5-6 months mashed banana can be given, soft rice and dal also can be started. A doctor can give best advice and even your Mom/MIL can help you on this. Always introduce one food item at a time, let him get used to it before introducing another item. Maintain a proper feeding schedule and don’t forget to see that he has burped.

Babies have remarkable sense of timing(atleast mine had...heehee ), your lunch /dinner time is their potty time ;-) . Do change baby’s clothes frequently and always maintain proper hygiene to keep illnesses at bay. Bathe your baby daily and massage him with mustard/baby oil regularly, on this one should avoid listening to doctors unless the baby has some physical problem.

Once your baby starts crawling, be alert they tend to pull each and everything that they can lay their hands on. Make sure your home is baby safe that is keep things away which the baby might break or hurt himself by it. Some babies start cutting their teeth when 5-6 months old, they may become cranky due to discomfort caused by it. They tend to put anything available in their mouth so as to lessen the discomfort and as a result many babies suffer from loose motions. When your baby becomes 9-10 months old he may start standing or may take his first step. When learning to walk he may fall many times, gently guide him and let him learn to stand by himself.

It is real fun to decipher baby talk, some news words invented which cannot be found in any dictionary. Try to inculcate some good habits and maybe follow a proper routine. By this time regular food cooked in your home should be given to your child.

2 to 10 yrs :Your child will become interested in many new things. Give him toys to play which are fun as well as educational ones too. Tell him stories, show him picture books. Some children start going to play schools at this stage. Do see that there is a good atmosphere, proper hygiene and that children are properly cared for. Do spend time with your child as much as possible.

When he starts going to school see that the teachers are nice and caring. A good school should have discipline and a good track record. Just don’t put your child in a school which is famous or which depicts your status but in a school that will give your child a chance for overall development which includes academics as well as extra-curricular activities.

Never compare your child with others but teach him to compete in a healthy manner. In today’s competitive world it is better to have a competitive spirit from a very small age. Help him in his lessons but don’t do his work for him, let him do it by himself otherwise he will depend upon you for everything and as a result he will suffer in school. Please don’t push your child too much to achieve what you couldn’t achieve. He is an unique individual, it is not necessary that he should follow your footsteps in everything.

Be accessible to your child as much as possible, find out whether he has any problems at home or school, look for his mood swings and take appropriate actions. Teach him to appreciate little things in life and take pleasure in life. Also teach him satisfaction with what he has in life and to work for what he wants to achieve. One of the most important thing to be taught is the value and importance of money and savings. If you cannot afford something that your child wants, it is better to explain to him the reason why he can’t get the things that he wants. Believe me your child will understand this deprivation much better and would appreciate your honesty.

Always see that your child likes your presence and not the otherway. Do take time out to do activities in which the family can participate and enjoy. Always remember his special days , likes and dislikes. The habit of sharing should also be developed in a child especially when he is the only child. Treat all your children equally, each one will have his/her own weaknesses and strengths and they may differ in their nature. Do not try too hard to mould them according to your liking, you will harm them morein doing so.

10 yrs to12 yrs :Adolescence is a very sensitive age where physical changes in a child’s body takes place. Do sit with them or let someone else who is more comfortable with them, speak to them about the facts of life, the precautions they must take and about the physical changes that they might find in themselves. This is the stage where you start becoming more of their friend than a parent.

12/13 yrs to 23 yrs :After becoming a teenager,a childmay think that he has grown up and becomes Mr Know all. He will not like your restrictions and will be a rebel(hehe remembering myself as a rebel now) , you have to start using tact now, befriend all his friends, keep an eye on his activities but do not make him feel that he is watched or jailed in his own home.

He may need additional help in his studies from you or outside, see that it is available. One should start treating him like a grownup and not like a small child. Let him make his own decisions but make sure to let him know that he is responsible for his own actions. Sometimes they may make a wrong decision, this is the time for you to intervene and let them know that you are still his parent ( contradictory na but there will be many occasions like this).

As per my usual habit this review will extend to comment section too.


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