Jun 02, 2017 11:08 AM
(via Android App)
(Updated Jun 07, 2017 05:46 PM)
How to take care of your hairs, to get long shiny smooth hairs within few months? 1. Never wash your hairs daily. Washing hairs daily makes your hairs thin and you will loose alot of hairs. Washing daily will wash off all the oil your body create which is essential for a better growth of hairs. SO DO NOT WASH YOUR HAIRS DAILY.2. If you have split ends and if your hairs are rough then, Trim your hairs once and start taking care of your hairs properly.3. How to take care of your hairs? Apply these mixture to your hairs.I prefer this and in 2months have seen a very good growth in my hairs.I take a table spoon of coconut oil and few drops of castor oil.You may vary according to your hair length.Coconut oil is very benificial for good quality of hairs and castor oil makes your hair thicker and promotes growth of new hairs on scalp.Warm this mixture on double boiler and apply to hairs and scalp properly.After this process you may apply aloe vera gel on your hairs and keep this mask for 1/2 hr to 45 mins.Aloe vera gel is very benificial to our hairs.If you got rough hairs and have many tangles then use of aloe vera gel will make your hairs soft and silky.REMEMBER NOT TO WASH HAIRS DAILY.4. Wash your hairs with herbal shampoo or ayurvedic shampoo.This will reduce the hairfall and as these are not chemical based this is really going to be effective in long run.Wash your hairs every three days or even once in a week is fine( in case on small to medium hairs) .5. Remember the steps: Oiling hairs 30-45 mins.Mask for your hairs.Shampoo your hairs with ayurvedic or herbal shampoo.Conditioning of hairs will make your hairs soft for many days.( conditioner is optional) .I do not prefer the usage of conditioners as they are chemical based and we have used the mask of aloe vera which itself acts as a conditioner.Do try these tips and you will see the effects within few weeks or months. I have personally used these tips and I have seen a very good result.