Jul 25, 2017 10:14 PM
Hi all,
Prima facie, let me commence to state that efforts on online income is worth time investing provided you know where and how to hunt. Majority of people browse extensively only to land up in a confused state since every site they visit have different approaches and methods than others. Majority of sites have rarely shown indepth explanation conceptually and realistic approach towards gaining earnings. These sites are themselves earning-starving and thrive upon youtube channel exposures which barely satisfy or convince any educated and sensible population. Preys are often those lacking knowledge and believe in jumping into earliest opportunities.
No income is easy! having said this, online money is also no exception. One needs to do self-justice and study prior to picking up online earnings.
I have picked up few areas which one should try through genuine website, which are abundantly available.
PTC - paid to click
Buy/Sell domain names
Launching website/blog and earn through Ads.
Digitize India Programme - govt of India(initiative of NaMo)
6.Content writing for blogs
- Multi Level Marketing like CHAMPCASH
so, happy hunting for some decent cash-on!
Satish Desai