Jan 10, 2016 04:02 PM
Michael Crichton has delivered many masterpieces and his works were made into huge successful movies - Jurassic Park, Lost World, Disclosure, etc. In this case the movie went unnoticed but the book really qualifies to be called his magnum opus. Yes, we can rate this as his best.
Time travel is not a new concept, which we have been hearing for the past 30 years or so, and we know how unrealistic it is or it was. Well, we will have to change our opinion regarding its feasibility-such was his description.
To justify his theory, the writer takes the premise of quantum physics, which I am sure many of the physicists today cannot veto. The story opens in Arizona desert where a physicist dies of cardiac arrest and he is secretly cremated by ITC, owned by Robert Doniger.
A team of researchers led by Edward Johnston, the professor, followed by Chris Hughes, Kate Erickson, Andre Marek, and David Stern move into the past directly to the period of 100-year war and the fate of these researchers form the crux of the story. Overall, it is an exhilarating and enthralling, which takes you to a whole new world.
Recommended even if you are a choosy reader.