Dec 13, 2015 11:16 PM
(via Android App)
(Updated Dec 13, 2015 11:16 PM)
I am watching flash from the begining of the first sesion. I like this serial very much, it is very entertaining.
The first session was very nice, it had soo many suspence like in the bigining a normal foreignsick lab tecnician who will be searching for the flash or a speedstar who killed his mother, when he was a chile suddnly gets the same power which he was searching for years because of a accident in star labs, dr herison weels head of star labs takes him to star labs give treetment and makes him eligible to use his power and the he becomes flash and helps people but later they find out that that this accident turned many people into metel humans who has different powere. But eventually he finds out that dr harison weels is the person killed is mother going back in time and later he finds out that he is not even dr harison wels. 1st session was very good
Now even second session is very good every sunday I watch it, I wont tell the story: p watch it itz very good. With a new idea.