Hi guys this is somashekar going tell about of this site when I first listen about the textbook.com so I was quite excited to study in this website but now I feel what a website is it does not have any informative and good subjective content there is no service support is given by the textbook.com I try more than 10 time to call but I get no answer it is totally worst what I ever seen what they are doing I do not know there is no informative information so how can you say about the depth of the information and it's a bad content also it can help you to score good marks in exam content is very food this content not help you anymore to score good marks in the competition exam and beliefs good books on which site and app are waiting for you
because of the user friendly question I upload to photos and you can see how what GUL it is it does not have any mean option its look to buy and sale GUL of education sites are so simple and it is very good its take too much time to load and getting started at it take you 15 minutes on the first start its totally time consuming and worst
so why my experience are suggested all the users to not go with that site many other good and informative apps are available in the internet so do not use this testbook.com until they improve the quality