May 23, 2009 06:45 PM
(Updated May 24, 2009 10:27 PM)
This is regarding the'Plug 2 Surf' from Tata Indicom.
First see what they say/claim: "Tata Teleservices(Maharashtra) Limited -rated the No.1 wireless telecom service provider in overall customersatisfaction across Mumbai and Maharashtra in studies commissioned by theTelecom Regulatory Authority of India."
Now, let me share my experience with Tata Indicom:
I bought the P2S(Plug 2 Surf) Prepaid from Mumbai few months ago and have been'SUFFERING' instead of surfing, every month. Now I'm just waiting for thedevice to get lost/ or totally stop working so that I can think, ok, let me nowbuy Reliance Net Connect.
I can tell you, the Reliance customer service is 100 times better than TataIndicom. I really wonder how these people are still in business. Well, perhapsonly because this is India!
First month I recharged with Rs 810 as it was unlimited internet. The speed wasthird class 24 hrs. Gmail can only load in basic html view.
However, that is not all. After 2 days, I started facing connection problem. Itonly says, Error 721, 832 etc. And there is no way to send sms to customercare. Now, how am I supposed to call the customer care? I only use it forPlug 2 Surf. Where will I put the T-SIm? Anyhow, I called their customer carenumber(which is not toll free) at my own cost.
Now, the customer care rep. says, he doesn't have any ideaabout the Error numbers and I need to visit the Store from where I bought it.So, does that mean every time I face connection problem, I have to run to thedealer? Great!
This problem went on for 5 days and I could not use it.
Now, I recharged with Rs. 810 as it was unlimited internet. However, nextmonth, when I recharged it again, I received an sms: Message attached:
“Dear Customer, Your account had anoutstanding usage of Rs.105 for data services on the 08/05/09. This amount hasbeen adjusted against the current balance.”
Now tell me, how it is possible for someone to have outstanding usage when:
It is a prepaid connection.
I had recharged with unlimited internet, and
I couldn't use it for almost 1 week that month?
Also, this should have been informed to me by sending a sms, right? But I received the sms of outstanding usage sms only after rechargingnext time.
Ideally, any service that makes sense will act like this:
When it is an unlimited data usage scheme, I should be ableto use it for 30 days, and after that it will not let me use until I rechargeit again.
Will anybody from Tata Indicom care to answer me?
This was an example my experience with Tata Indicom for one month. And, I’mfacing the same kind of problems every month. Every month I recharge with 810, I immediately receive an sms saying:
Original sms, as received attached:
Dear Customer, Your account had an outstanding usage of Rs.67for data services on the 22/05/09. This amount has been adjusted against thecurrent balance.
I wish I could drag the CEO of Tata Telecervices of Mumbai tocourt and ask him these questions.
For Plug2Surf customers, there should be a way to send complaintsthrough sms or a way to call their customer care number using to Net-telephony.Reliance has this.
I really feel Tata Indicom should be banned from doing business in India. Allthese customer satisfaction results that they show are all ‘Purchased’.
I will always suggest everyone to never even think of buying Tata Indicomproducts.
If anybody from Tata indicom ever reads it: my number is: 9224024605. Wait!Don't try to call, you idiot! I bought only the Pluf 2 Surf, and not tataindicom phone. So, I can't receive call on that number.