Jun 08, 2015 06:05 PM
As the header suggests, this movie you should not miss. Tanu weds Manu Returns is the sequel of Superhit movie Tanu weds Manu. Movie starts where the last movie ends i.e. showing the post marriage. The movie has the same star cast i.e Madhavan and National Award Winner Kangana.
The first half is brilliant with some brilliant comedy and drama. The second half is bit slow and I think somewhat climax is not that good as the whole movie. But above all the movie is outstanding and till the very end you will be glued to your seats. Good performance by the supporting actors but the real show stopper is Kangana Ranuaut with her Haraynavi Accent, brilliant work by the leading lady.
If you haven't watched it yet, rush to your nearby theaters and watch the movie.
In one word, Paisa Vasool.