Feb 10, 2016 04:40 PM
Since 5 years, I am using Tata Docomo Sim card operator by T mobile operator. When it was launched Docomo tariff rates, plans and network was very strong. However, as time eloped it has been deteriorating. I hardly get any connectivity in it. In my room, it there is no network and in another room there shows full network. How difference in network can be there within metres of distance.
The tariff rates for calls and data plans too had been increased. I tried once to have data connection and most of the data usage went in vain due to no network in my area. I was happy with the service provided to me by T earlier but now I hardly use this sim and use my other sim from another opearator, which always provide me full network wherever go. Docomo either should build more towers to get network or should move out altogether. This mid way thing is coning customers and the company itself