Very good Guest3/12/2016 6: 28: 29 AMSince long I was looking for good air coolers. Finally, I found symphony air cooler Ice cube i. I purchased it a month back due to sunny days and sweaty nights. But, now I have obliged to symphony for giving me pleasant days and nights. It has amazing air flow and low consumption on voltage.I heard people speaking at the rate of fan, now I believe it. Symphony is amazing in terms of its services. They gave me installation and I am satisfiedwith services they offer. I and my wife were willing to buy another one as welllooking at the performance of the air cooler. Experience with symphony is really satisfactory. We would love to buy one more. What impressed me the most is the wheels. Just because it can move around and cool up to 2 person minimum. Symphony are the best among all.Similar Air Coolers